

A truly unique and fascinating collection of over 250 rare, out-of-print books compiled together for the first time on one USB flash drive covering all aspects of HINDUISM & THE HINDU WAY OF LIFE.


Discover the origins, roots, customs and history of one of the world’s oldest religions. Study the beliefs, rites, ceremonies and rituals of Hindu culture. Explore the Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmanas and other ancient sacred Hindu texts. Learn about ancient Hindu wisdom and philosophy, and read about religious thought and life in India throughout the ages. Some of the books contained within this collection are extremely hard-to-find and will provide a valuable library of reference material. Overall, an absolute must for anyone with an interest in Hinduism and the Hindu way of life. The full list of titles included speaks for itself….


This superb compilation of 257 vintage books provides literally 1,000’s of pages of great content and fabulous photos / illustrations for the reader. All of the books have been scanned in high quality and preserved forever in pdf format - easy to read on your laptop or computer, or transfer to tablet, smartphone, kindle or e-reader. You can also print entire books or select pages.


This is without doubt the most extensive collection of its kind - compiled over time by rare-book-collections, and only available here!


The Full List of Titles Included is as Follows:

Disc 1:

A catalogue of south Indian Sanskrit manuscripts (1902)

A classical dictionary of Hindu mythology and religion, geography, history, and literature - J. Dowson (1888)

A complete alphabetical index of all the words in the Rigveda (1908) (Sanskrit)

A grammatical index to the Chandogya-upanisad - C. Little (1900)

A History Of Dasnami Naga Sanyasis - J. Sarkar (1909)

A history of Hindu chemistry from the earliest times to the middle of the sixteenth century, A.D Vol. 1 - P. C. Ray (1907)

A history of Hindu chemistry from the earliest times to the middle of the sixteenth century, A.D Vol. 2 - P. C. Ray (1907)

A History of Hindu Civilisation During British Rule - P. Bose (1894)

A history of Indian philosophy - S. Dasgupta (1922)

A second exposure of the Hindu religion - in reply to Narayana Rao of Satara, including strictures on the Vedanta - J. Wilson (1834)

A series of lessons in Gnani yoga - W. W. Atkinson (1907)

A series of lessons in Raja yoga - W. W. Atkinson (1906)

A series of lessons in Raja yoga - Y. Ramacharaka (1906)

A short survey of the vedic polytheism and pantheism - F. Kittel (1875)

A translation of Yoga-Vâsishta-Laghu - (the smaller) - K. Narayanaswami Aiyar (1896)

A Vedic concordance, being an alphabetic index to every line of every stanza of the published Vedic literature and to the liturgical formulas thereof - M. Bloomfield (1906)

A View Of The History Literature And Mythology Of Hindoos Vol 1 - W. Ward (1818)

A View Of The History Literature And Mythology Of Hindoos Vol 2 - W. Ward (1818)

Advanced course in Yogi philosophy and oriental occultism - Y. Ramacharaka (1905)

Aitareya Aranyaka - A. Keith (1909)

Aitareya Brahmanam of the Rigveda ... containing the earliest speculations of the Brahmans on the meaning of the sacrificial prayers and on the origin, performance and sense of the rites (1863)

Alberuni's India. An account of the religion, philosophy, literature, geography, chronology, astronomy, customs, laws and astrology of India about A.D. 1030 Vol. 1 - M. Biruni (1910)

Alberuni's India. An account of the religion, philosophy, literature, geography, chronology, astronomy, customs, laws and astrology of India about A.D. 1030 Vol. 2 - M. Biruni (1910)

Altindisches leben. Die cultur der vedischen Arier nach den Samḣitā dargestellt - H. Zimmer (1879) (German text)

Amritabindu and Kaivalya Upanishad - A. Sastri (1898)

An English translation of the Sushruta samhita, based on original Sanskrit text Vol. 1 (1907 - 16)

An English translation of the Sushruta samhita, based on original Sanskrit text Vol. 2 (1907 - 16)

An English translation of the Sushruta samhita, based on original Sanskrit text Vol. 3 (1907 - 16)

An essay on the antiquity of Hindoo medicine - J. F. Royle (1837)

An Exposure of the Hindu Religion - J. Wilson (1852)

An interpretation of ancient Hindu medicine - C. Chakraberty (1923)

An introduction to the study of Hinduism - B. Pal (1908)

An outline of the religious literature of India - J. Farquhar (1920)

Ancient India - E. Rapson (1916)

Ancient India - Its Language and Religions - H. Oldenberg (1898)

Ancient India - J. McCrindle (1885)

Asiatic studies, religious and social - A. Lyall (1884)

Ayurveda, or the Hindu system of medical science - M. Datta (1899)

Benares, the sacred city - sketches of Hindu life and religion - E. Havell (1905)

Bhagavad Gita - F. Muller (1898)

Bhava Prakasa, or an Encyclopedia of Hindu Medicine - R. Gupta (1888) (Bengali text)

Brahman - A Study on the History of Indian Philosophy - H. Griswold (1900)

Brāhmanism and Hindūism, or, Religious thought and life in India, as based on the Veda and other sacred books of the Hindūs - M. Monier-Williams (1891)

Brhannighauratnakara Vol. 1 - S.  Vaisya (1890) (Sanskrit text)

Brhannighauratnakara Vol. 2 - S.  Vaisya (1890) (Sanskrit text)

Brhannighauratnakara Vol. 3 - S.  Vaisya (1890) (Sanskrit text)

Brhannighauratnakara Vol. 4 - S.  Vaisya (1890) (Sanskrit text)

Catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the library of the India Office (1887)

Charakasanhita, or the most ancient and authoritative Hindu system of medicine - Caraka (1877) (Sanskrit text)

Chhandogya Upanisad Anandatirtha - S. Vasu (1909)

Chinese religion through Hindu eyes - B. Sarkar (1916)

Collection of Ancient Hindu Hymns - H. Wilson (1850)

Commentary on the Hindu system of medicine - T. Wise (1845)

Contributions from the Atharva-veda to the theory of Sanskrit verbal accent - W. Whitney (1856)

Creative unity - R. Tagore (1922)

Der Hinduismus - Religion und Gesellschaft im heutigen Indien - H. Von Glassenap (1922) (German text)

Dharma-Karma-Rahasya - P. Sankar (1909)

Dialogues on the Hindu philosophy, comprising the Nyaya, the Sankhya, the Vedant - K. Banerjea (1903)

Die vedisch- brahmanische periode der religion des alten Indiens - E. Hardy (1893) (German Text)

Dravyagua - Cakrapidatta (1897) (Sanskrit text)

Early Hindu Civilisation B.c 2000 To 320 - M. Dutt (1909)

Elements of Hindu iconography Vol. 1 Pt. 1 - T. Rao (1914)

Elements of Hindu iconography Vol. 1 Pt. 2 - T. Rao (1914)

Elements of Hindu iconography Vol. 2 Pt. 1 - T. Rao (1914)

Elements of Hindu iconography Vol. 2 Pt. 2 - T. Rao (1914)

Essays and lectures on the religions of the Hindus Vol. 1 - H. Wilson (1861)

Essays and lectures on the religions of the Hindus Vol. 2 - H. Wilson (1861)

Essays on the religion and philosophy of the Hindus - H. Colebrooke (1858)

Fourteen lessons in yogi philosophy and oriental occultism - W. W. Atkinson (1905)

Gautama Samhita - M. Dutt (1908)

Genealogies of the Hindus, Extracted from their Sacred Writings - F. Hamilton (1818)

Higher psychical development (Yoga philosophy) - an outline of the secret Hindu teachings - H. Carrington (1920)

Hindu Anatomy, Physiology, Therapeutics, History Of Medicine And Practice Of Physic - K. Gupta (1892)

Hindu castes and sects - J. Bhattacharya (1896)

Hindu Dharma Part. 1 (1907) (Bengali text)

Hindu Dharma Part. 2 (1907) (Bengali text)

Hindu gods and heroes - studies in the history of the religion of India - L. Barnett (1922)

Hindu infanticide - E. Moor (1811)

Hindu Magic - An Expose of the Tricks of the Yogis and Fakirs of India (1913)

Hindu manners, customs and ceremonies - J. Dubois (1906)

Hindu manners, customs and ceremonies Vol. 1 - J. A. Dubois (1897)

Hindu manners, customs and ceremonies Vol. 2 - J. A. Dubois (1897)

Hindu Medicine - M. K. Ganapathi Sen (1916) (Sanskrit text)

Hindu medicine - Royal College of Surgeons of England (1845)

Hindu Pantheon - M. Moor (1861)

Hindu religions - H. Wilson (1899)

Hindu works by the late Horace Hayman Wilson Vol. 1 (1862)

Hindu works by the late Horace Hayman Wilson Vol. 2 (1862)

Hindu works by the late Horace Hayman Wilson Vol. 3 (1862)

Hindu works by the late Horace Hayman Wilson Vol. 4 (1862)

Hindu works by the late Horace Hayman Wilson Vol. 5 (1862)

Hindu works by the late Horace Hayman Wilson Vol. 6 (1862)

Hindu works by the late Horace Hayman Wilson Vol. 7 (1862)

Hindu works by the late Horace Hayman Wilson Vol. 8 (1862)

Hindu works by the late Horace Hayman Wilson Vol. 9 (1862)

Hindu works by the late Horace Hayman Wilson Vol. 10 (1862)

Hindu works by the late Horace Hayman Wilson Vol. 11 (1862)

Hindu works by the late Horace Hayman Wilson Vol. 12 (1862)

Hinduism - L. Barnett (1913)

Hinduism and Buddhism, an historical sketch Vol. 2 - C. Eliot (1921)

Hinduism and Buddhism, an historical sketch Vol. 3 - C. Eliot (1921)

In woods of God-realization, or Complete works of Rama Tirtha Vol. 1 - S. Rama Tirtha (1909)

In woods of God-realization, or Complete works of Rama Tirtha Vol. 2 - S. Rama Tirtha (1909)

Index verborum to the published text of the Atharva-veda - W. Whitney (1881)

India and its inhabitants - C. Wright (1857)

India old and new - E. Hopkins (1901)

India, what can it teach us - F. Muller (1883)

Indian Mythology - A. Keith (1916)

Indian thought past and present - R. Frazer (1915)

Indian wisdom, or, examples of the religious, philosophical, and ethical doctrines of the Hindus - M. Monier-Williams (1876)

Jaataka Chan’drika - S. Shaasatri (1908) (Telugu Script)

Jesus in the Vedas, or, The testimony of Hindu scriptures in corroboration of the rudiments of Christian doctrine - G. Ramchandra (1892)

Kathopanishad, with the Sanskrit Text, Anvayya, Vritti, Word Meaning, Translation, Notes and Index - S.Vasu (1905)

Krishna pariksha, or, Krishna tested - a Hindi tract - J. Lucas (1884)

La religion du Véda - H. Oldenberg (1903) (French text)

La religion védique d'après les hymnes du Rig-Véda Vol. 1 - A. Bergaine (1878) (French text)

La religion védique d'après les hymnes du Rig-Véda Vol. 2 - A. Bergaine (1878) (French text)

La religion védique d'après les hymnes du Rig-Véda Vol. 3 - A. Bergaine (1878) (French text)

La religion védique d'après les hymnes du Rig-Véda Vol. 4 - A. Bergaine (1878) (French text)

La védisme - L. de La Vallee Poussin (1909) (French text)

Le Bhaguat-Geeta, ou, Dialogues de Kreeshna et d'Arjoon, contenant un précis de la religion & de la morale des indiens - C. Wilkins (1787) (French text)

Lectures on Hindu religion, philosophy and yoga - K. Chakravarti (1893)

Lectures on the theism of the Upanishads and other subjects - S. Tattvabhushan (1921)

Maitreyi  a story illustrating the theology and social life of Vedic Hindus - S. Tattvabhushan (1800)

Modern Hinduism, being an account of the religion and life of the Hindus in northern India - W. Wilkins (1887)

Mythological Studies in the Rigveda - A. Macdonell (1893)

Nirnay Sindhu - K. Bhatta (1906)

Niti-Sara - Collection of Subhashitas (1920) (Sanskrit - English text)

Non-Christian religions of the world - W. Muir (1890)

Om; wisdom of the Rishis, or, Works of Gurudatta Vidyarthi - G. Vidyarthi (1895) On the weapons, army organisation, and political maxims of the ancient Hindus, with special reference to gunpowder and firearms - G. S. Oppert (1880)

Oriental and linguistic studies Vol. 1 - W. Whitney (1873)

Oriental and linguistic studies Vol. 2 - W. Whitney (1873)

Original Sanskrit texts on the origin and history of the people of India, their religion and institutions Vol. 1 - J. Muir (1871)

Original Sanskrit texts on the origin and history of the people of India, their religion and institutions Vol. 2 - J. Muir (1871)

Original Sanskrit texts on the origin and history of the people of India, their religion and institutions Vol. 3 - J. Muir (1871)

Original Sanskrit texts on the origin and history of the people of India, their religion and institutions Vol. 4 - J. Muir (1871)

Original Sanskrit texts on the origin and history of the people of India, their religion and institutions Vol. 5 - J. Muir (1871)

Orion, or, Researches into the antiquity of the Vedas - B. Tilak (1916)

Outlines of Indian philosophy - P. Srinivasa (1909)

Pancavimsa Brahmana - W. Caland (1921)

Physical religion - F. Muller (1891)

Plates illustrating the Hindu Pantheon, reprinted from the work of Major Edward Moor (1861)

Religious thought and life in India - an account of the religions of the Indian peoples - M. Williams (1893)

Rig-veda repetitions - the repeated verses and distichs and stanzas of the Rig-veda in systematic presentation and with critical discussion Vol. 1 - R. Bloomfield (1916)

Rig-veda repetitions - the repeated verses and distichs and stanzas of the Rig-veda in systematic presentation and with critical discussion Vol. 2 - R. Bloomfield (1916)

Rig-Veda-Sanhitá. A collection of ancient Hindu hymns Vol. 1 - H. Wilson (1866)

Rig-Veda-Sanhitá. A collection of ancient Hindu hymns Vol. 2 - H. Wilson (1866)

Rig-Veda-Sanhitá. A collection of ancient Hindu hymns Vol. 3 - H. Wilson (1866)

Rig-Veda-Sanhitá. A collection of ancient Hindu hymns Vol. 4 - H. Wilson (1866)

Rig-Veda-Sanhitá. A collection of ancient Hindu hymns Vol. 5 - H. Wilson (1866)

Rig-Veda-Sanhitá. A collection of ancient Hindu hymns Vol. 6 - H. Wilson (1866)


Disc 2:

Sacred writings - Confucian, Hebrew, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Mohammedan - C. Eliot (1910)

Sanâtana dharma - an elementary text book of Hindu religion and ethics (1916)

Sketch of the religious sects of the Hindus - H. Wilson (1846)

Studies in early Indian thought - D. Stephen (1918)

Studies In The Puranic Records On Hindu Rites And Customs - R. Hazra (1920)

The Arctic home in the Vedas, being also a new key to the interpretation of many Vedic texts and legends - B. Tilak (1903)

The Atharvaveda - M. Bloomfield (1899)

The Atharva-veda described, with a classified selection of hymns, explanatory notes and review - R. Griffith (1897)

The beginning of Hindu culture as world-power (A.D. 300-600) - B. Sarkar (1916)

The beginnings of Hindu pantheism - C. Lanman (1890)

The Benares Hindu University Library (1921)

The Bhagavad Gîtâ - A. Besant (1896)

The Brhad-devata Attributed to Saunaka a summary of the deities and myths of the Rig-Veda Vol. 1 - M. Saunaka (1904)

The Brhad-devata Attributed to Saunaka a summary of the deities and myths of the Rig-Veda Vol. 2 - M. Saunaka (1904)

The cosmology of the Rigveda - H. Wallis (1887)

The doctrine of the heart - A. Besant (1914)

The Ethics Of The Hindus - S. Maitra (1921)

The folk-element in Hindu culture, a contribution to socio-religious studies in Hindu folk-institutions - B. Sarkar (1917)

The god Varuna in the Rig-Veda - H. Griswold (1910)

The great book of magical art, hindu magic and indian occultism Vol. 1 by L W. de Laurence (1916)

The great book of magical art, hindu magic and indian occultism Vol. 2 by L W. de Laurence (1916)

The great Indian religions - G. Bettany (1892)

The Grihya-sutras, rules of Vedic domestic ceremonies Vol. 1 - H. Oldenberg (1886)

The Grihya-sutras, rules of Vedic domestic ceremonies Vol. 2 - H. Oldenberg (1886)

The heart of India - sketches in the history of Hindu religion and morals - L. Barnett (1908)

The Hindu book of astrology, or. Yogic knowledge of the stars and planetary forces and how to control them to our advantage by S. Bakhti (1902)

The Hindu conception of the functions of breath. A study in early Hindu psycho-physics - A. Ewing (1901)

The human body in the Upanishads - G. Brown (1921)

The Hymns Of The Atharva-veda Vol. 1 - R. Griffith (1895)

The Hymns Of The Atharva-veda Vol. 2 - R. Griffith (1895)

The Indian conch (Turbinella pyrum, Linn.) and its relation to Hindu life and religion - J. Hornell (1915)

The Life And Teachings of Sri Madhvacharyar - C. Char (1909)

The Life Of Swami Vivekananda Vol. 1 (1920)

The Life Of Swami Vivekananda Vol. 2 (1920)

The Markandeya Purana - F. Pargiter (1904)

The materia medica of the Hindus, compiled from Sanskrit medical works - U. C. Dott (1877)

The Matsya Puranam - A. Taluqdar (1916)

The mystic test book of The Hindu occult chambers - the magic and occultism of India, Hindu and Egyptian crystal gazing, the Hindu magic-mirror by L. W. De Laurence (1909)

The mystics, ascetics, and saints of India - a study of Sadhuism, with an account of the Yogis, Sanyasis, Bairagis, and other strange Hindu sectarians - J. Oman (1905)

The origins of religion and language - F. Cook (1884)

The Philosophy Of The Upanisads - S. Radhakrishnan (1909)

The philosophy of the Upanishads - P. Deussen (1908)

The philosophy of the Upanishads and ancient Indian metaphysics - A. Gough (1882)

The popular religion and folk-lore of northern India Vol. 1 - W. Crooke (1896)

The popular religion and folk-lore of northern India Vol. 2 - W. Crooke (1896)

The religion of the Rigveda - H. Griswold (1921)

The religion of the Veda - the ancient religion of India (from Rig-Veda to Upanishads) - M. Bloomfield (1908)

The religious mysticism of the Upanishads - R. Milburn (1919)

The Rigveda - the oldest literature of the Indians - A. Kaegi (1886)

The Rig-Veda and Vedic religion - A. Clayton (1913)

The Rig-Veda mantras in the Grhya sūtras - E. Fay (1899)

The sacred city of the Hindus - an account of Benares in ancient and modern times - M. Sherring (1868)

The sacred poetry of early religions - R. Church (1874)

The Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha, or Review of the different systems of Hindu philosophy - M. Acharya (1882)

The Satapatha-brahmana, according to the text of the Madhyandina school Pt. 1 - J. Eggeling (1900)

The Satapatha-brahmana, according to the text of the Madhyandina school Pt. 2 - J. Eggeling (1900)

The story of Vedic India as embodied principally in the Rig-Veda - Z. Ragozin (1895)

The Suc_ruta-samhita  or, The Hindu system of medicine according to Sucruta - R. Hoernle (1867)

The surgical instruments of the Hindus Vol. 1 - G. Mukhopadhyaya (1913)

The surgical instruments of the Hindus Vol. 2 - G. Mukhopadhyaya (1913)

The teaching of the Vedas - M. Phillips (1895)

The Ten Principal Avataras of The Hindus - S. Tagore (1880)

The terminology of the Vedas and European scholars - G. Vidyarthi (1893)

The texts of the White Yajurveda - R. Griffith (1899)

The Thirteen Principal Upanishads - R. Hume (1921)

The trident, the crescent, and the cross - a view of the religious history of India - J. Vaughan (1876)

The Upanishads and life - W. Urquhart (1916)

The Vedic religion, or, The creed and practice of the Indo-Aryans three thousand years ago - K. Macdonald (1881)

The Vishnu Purana - H. Wilson (1895)

The web of Indian life - S. Nivedita (1904)

The Wisdom of the Hindus - the wisdom of the Vedic hymns, the Brahmanas, the Upanishads, the Maha bharata and Ramayana - B. Brown (1921)

The works of the Pandit Guru Datta Vidyarthi, with biographical sketch - D, Vidyarthi (1902)

The yoga of the Kaṭhopanishad - S. Prem (1921)

The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali - D. Basu (1922)

The Yoga Upanishads (1921)

Translation of several principal books, passages, and texts of the Veds, and of some controversial works on Brahmunical theology - R. Roy (1832)

Upanishads And Sri Sankara's Commentary Vol. 1 - S. Sastri (1898)

Upanishads And Sri Sankara's Commentary Vol. 2 - S. Sastri (1898)

Upanishads And Sri Sankara's Commentary Vol. 3 - S. Sastri (1898)

Upanishads And Sri Sankara's Commentary Vol. 4 - S. Sastri (1898)

Upanishads And Sri Sankara's Commentary Vol. 5 - S. Sastri (1898)

Vaidika vyakhyana mala Vol. 1 - S. Satwalekar (1908) (Hindi text)

Vaidika vyakhyana mala Vol. 2 - S. Satwalekar (1908) (Hindi text)

Vaidika vyakhyana mala Vol. 3 - S. Satwalekar (1908) (Hindi text)

Vaidika vyakhyana mala Vol. 4 - S. Satwalekar (1908) (Hindi text)

Vaishya Khandya - Saha And The Shaundika And The Commentary On Hindu - Castes - K. Khan (1906)

Vedanta Or The Science Of Reality - K. Iyer (1920)

Vedanta Philosophy - S. Vivekananda (1899)

Vedânta philosophy; lecture of Swâmi Abhedânanda, Why a Hindu is a vegetarian - S. Abhedânanda (1900)

Vedânta philosophy; lectures by the Swâmi Vivekânanda on jnâna yoga (1902)

Vedas, or the religious books of the Hindoos - H. Schmidt (1884)

Vedic index of names and subjects Vol. 1 - A. Macdonell (1916)

Vedic index of names and subjects Vol. 2 - A. Macdonell (1916)

Vedic India as embodied principally in the Rig-Veda - Z. Ragozin (1899)

Vedic metre in its historical development - E. Arnold (1905)

Vedic mythology - A. MacDonell (1897)

Vishnu Purana Vol. 1 - F. Hall (1864)

Vishnu Purana Vol. 2 - F. Hall (1864)

Vishnu Purana Vol. 3 - F. Hall (1864)

Vishnu Purana Vol. 4 - F. Hall (1864)

Vishnu Purana Vol. 5 Pt. 1 - F. Hall (1864)

Vishnu Purana Vol. 5 Pt. 2 - F. Hall (1864)

Yoga lessons for developing spiritual consciousness - A. P. Mukerji (1911)



An absolute must for anyone with an interest in Hinduism, Hindu religious practices, and the origins and history of one of the world’s oldest and most followed religions  – an unbelievable treasure trove of information for a very small price!


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