Snow Globe Bakelite Hard Plastic 50er 60er Style Jugendstil-Motiv Advent

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Around the big city the world falls asleep.
Fields yellow, forests groan everywhere.
like leaves fall outside every day,
Blown away by the time wind.

Whether plain and forest fall to withered death,
Whether outside tost transience,
Streets roar in the city hill, hammers ring:
The city steams hot in restlessness without time.

(Gerrit Engelke)

Snow globe with Art Nouveau motif 

Brand new in the style of the 50s / 60s 

Made in Germany

The snow globe can be cleaned with distilled water 

be refilled.

width: approx. 9 cm

height: approx. 8 cm

Danger ! Not for children under 3 years, 

since small parts can be swallowed!

Danger of suffocation!

Content not suitable for consumption!

Snow globe with Art Nouveau motif

New in the style of the 50s / 60s

Made in Germany

The snow globe can be made with distilled water

be refilled.

Width: approx. 9 cm

Height: approx. 8 cm

Warning! Not for children under 3 years,

as small parts can be swallowed!

Suffocation hazard!

Contents not suitable for consumption!

Boule a neige with Art Nouveau motif

New in the style of the years 50/60

Fabrique en Allemagne

La boule à neige peut être fabriquée avec de l'eau distillée

être rempli.

Larger : around 9 cm

Hauteur : around 8 cm

Avertir ! Pas pour les enfants de moins de 3 ans,

car les petites pièces peuvent être avalées !

Risque d'étouffement!

Contenu impropre à la consumption !

Bola de nieve con motivo Art Nouveau

Nuevo al estilo de los años 50/60

Hecho en Alemania

La bola de nieve se puede hacer con agua destilada.

ser rellenado.

Ancho: approx. 9 cm

Altura: approx. 8 cm

Precaucion ! No para ninos menores de 3 years,

¡ya que las piezas pequeñas se pueden tragar!

¡Peligro de asfixia!

¡Contenido no apto para el consumo!

Around the big city the world falls asleep. Fields yellow, forests groan everywhere. Whether plain and forest fall to withered death, Streets roar in the city hill, hammers ring: The city steams hot in restlessness without time. Brand new in the style of the 50s / 60s  The snow globe can be cleaned with distilled water  Danger ! Not for children under 3 years,  Content not suitable for consumption! The snow globe can be made with distilled water Warning! Not for children under 3 years, Contents not suitable for consumption! La boule à neige peut être fabriquée avec de l'eau distillée Avertir ! Pas pour les enfants de moins de 3 ans, car les petites pièces peuvent être avalées ! La bola de nieve se puede hacer con agua destilada. Precaucion ! No para ninos menores de 3 years, ¡ya que las pi