Please Note: All prescription diets are specifically formulated to meet specific needs, ALWAYS check with your vet which diet is best suited to your pet before ordering.

PURINA PRO PLAN® HC Hydra Care® Hydration Supplement for Cats 10 X 85g pouches

PURINA PRO PLAN® HC Hydra Care® Hydration Supplement for Cats is a complementary pet food that offers a tasty, soft textured jelly served on its own as an extra third bowl. This formula will engage cats to happily lick it up due to its great taste, increasing their total liquid intake and decreasing urine-specific gravity and osmolality.

Recommended for adult cats who would benefit from additional water intake.

Not suitable for pregnancy, lactation and growth and cats with specific food allergies.


  • - Formulated to help increase water intake and urine dilution
  • - Helps to increase water intake for cats in need of greater water consumption for their overall health
  • - Created to help cats consume on average 28% more liquid every day than water alone
  • - Shown to decrease urine specific gravity and osmolality compared to cats consuming only water in addition to dry feeding
  • - Engages cats to lick it up due to its great taste happily
  • - Cats must consume at least 25 ml/kg of body weight daily for benefit


  • Whey protein isolate powder, glycerol, digest, various sugars, potassium chloride
  • Moisture 94.5%, protein 3.2%, fat content 0.22%, crude ash 0.16%, crude fibre 0.018%, calcium 0.026 g/kg, magnesium 0.01 g/kg, phosphorus 0.12 g/kg, chloride 0.37 g/kg, sodium 0.17 g/kg. Metabolisable energy (ME)1 22 kcal/100g
  • IU/kg: vit A: 8500, vit D3: 570, vit E: 62