In the 1960's, hair styles became QUITE stylized, and were big and held in place with lots of hairspray!  One of the styles was called a "Beehive" - it actually looked like a towering beehive.  Girls wore hard bristle curlers in their hair every night, and spent hours styling their hair for the day.  Gallons of spray were then used, and hair styles almost became helmets. Once all the hair was in place, all kinds of things were used to keep it in place!!  Women wore scarves, but they sometimes mashed the style.  This type of net bonnet was REALLY popular - it was light weight, and tied around the neck to keep it in place.  When going outside, it was worn until the girl was indoor again, then it was removed and kept in your purse.  It was considered quite stylish!  It is one size fits all, and really is in excellent condition!  I didn't find any tears in the net, and no missing velvet embellishments!