2008 Star Trek The Movies in Motion Trading Cards

Complete 10 Card Set 
The Quotable Star Trek Movies 
 Q1     Spock: "Logic and knowledge are not enough."                    Star Trek: The Motion Picture
 Q2     Spock: "I have been, and always shall be, your                     Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
 Q3     Maltz: "I do not deserve to live." Kirk: "Fine                        Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
 Q4     Taylor: "Don't tell me. You're from outer spac                      Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
 Q5     McCoy: "Jim, you don't ask the Almighty for hi                   Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
 Q6     Chang: "To be, or not to be..."                                               Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
 Q7     Kirk: "It was fun. Oh, my..."                                                 Star Trek: Generations
 Q8     Zephram Cochrane: "So you're all astronauts on                  Star Trek: First Contact
 Q9     Riker: "As smooth as an android's bottom, eh,                     Star Trek: Insurrection
 Q10    Data: "Goodbye."                                                                 Star Trek Nemesis

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