This Buddha Relics 'Phra That Shakyamuni Sarira', set in box size: 4.0 x 4.0 cm. (approx) which in religion, relics is a part of the body of a saint or a venerated person, or else another type of ancient religious object, carefully preserved for purposes of veneration or as a tangible memorial. Relics are an important aspect of some forms of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Shamanism, and many other religions. Buddha's grace is good for Bring auspicious for life and Originate the peacefulness happiness to owner. Relics of the Buddha are believed to have existed throughout the regions of Asia where Buddhism has spread since they originated at the actual cremation of the Buddha. 

Legend tells that following the cremation, there was a great argument over who would possess the remans and to avoid conflict the remains were divided in to eight portions and sheltered by umbrellas, which is why the umbrella is a prominent symbol in Buddhist art. The portions were sent to various kingdoms to be enshrined inside stupas. Legend further tells that a hundred years later, King Asoka propagated the Buddhist faith ang gathered all the relics and they were subsequently enshrined in 84,000 stupas across Buddhist Asia in what comprised many nations today. Many devotees believe that these relics have miraculously multiplied in to sacred substances.

Most of these sacred relics look like tiny pearly golbules, some of them opaque and others have been distributed by monks to the faithful and are placed on family altars, though rarely seen. The fact that the material is believed to miraculously multiply is testimony that it is a sacred substaqnce meant to be shared among the faithful.

In Thailand, the opaque cream colored, light brown or white pearly relics are believed to have multiplied from bones of the Buddha and in Thai are referred to as Kradook Phra Phutta Jao or the 'Bones of the lord Buddha'. Golden color granules are believed by many to have originated from flesh, red color from blood and pink-colored gem-like ones from the Buddha's head or radiance. Again, there is variation in the beliefs in color associations. In general, Thais refer to these relics as Phra That or 'Holy Remains'. The Sanskrit term for these relics is Sarira. Tibetans refer to them as Ringsels.