1 original back cover removed from Cook's Illustrated magazine


Cover Title:  RADISHES

Border color: Purplish blue

Cherry Belle, White-Round, Red Globe, Watermelon, Icicle, Daikon, Easter Egg, Spanish Black, French Breakfast, Chinese

Who thought radishes could be so beautiful? We are maintaining a specialized inventory of this beautiful framable art and have hundreds of these images in stock. Please browse our other items.  Each cover features a grouping of food-related items: vegetables, meats, fruits, cheeses,  sea food, gardening categories, etc. Each is bordered by a vibrant color and in the style of classic botanical art work. Contact us if you don't find the one you're seeking as we will search our inventory and create a listing for you if we have it.  These are the most striking when framed as a collection. Search Pinterest or Etsy for the many ways designers have done just this.