Chow Kin Ping An Ointment is used to treat bruises, swelling, muscle aches, burns caused by hot soup, cramps, arthralgia, colds, seasickness, headaches and stomach pains, mosquito bites, anti-itching and anti-mosquito, swelling and pain relief, cold sores, Drugs that explode on the skin.
Chinese name Chow Kin  Ping An ointment is mainly used for bruises, swelling, pain, muscle aches, soup, fire, burns, cramps, arthralgia, cold, cold, boat ride, wave sickness, headache, belly pain, mosquito bites, anti-mosquito, swelling, pain, cold sores, skin explosion, capacity 8g, manufacturing company, Ping An Ointment Co., Ltd. Manufactured by Hong Kong Department of Health Proprietary Medicine Manufacturing PM-2003-00025
Chow Kin  Ping An Ointment

Chow Kin  Ping An Ointment has been popular overseas for more than ten years since 1965. People from all walks of life have unanimously praised it. This ointment relieves pain and relieves muscle nerves. It is even more indispensable for sports people, men and women, old and young, and should be carried and used.
Safety is a blessing, always keep safety ointment to keep you safe
※ For patients with sore muscles, gently massage the affected area with this ointment every morning and evening, which can relieve your pain.
※ For burns caused by hot soup and slight soup injuries, apply this ointment thickly to the affected area immediately, and then cover it with sterile gauze. After a few minutes, it will feel cool and relieve pain. It will not be red, swollen or blistered. The effect is miraculous.
※ For minor falls or sprains, apply this ointment to the affected area to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
※ In sports and labor circles, daily work fatigue or strenuous exercise can lead to muscle strain and soreness. If you use this ointment to rub limbs and joints every night, it can relieve muscle nerves and maintain muscle health.
※ For hikers and campers, first apply this ointment on the exposed skin to prevent mosquito bites; if you have been bitten by mosquitoes, apply this ointment on the affected area to relieve itching and swelling immediately.