Stunning Egyptian Made Vintage HEAVY Solid Silver 9 Panel Bracelet 


This is one of the most brilliantly composed works of sterling silver I have come across in my many, many years… At 79 years of age, this is one of those pieces that I’d never imagined I would one day part with. For myself, it is a reminder of my youth… of the 2 weeks my wife and I spent in Cairo… of the day I first laid eyes on the wonders of Ancient Egypt. From the time I was a little boy, living in Budapest, Hungary - I obsessed over this - fantastical - world of old.. a world of innovation and intelligence, tradition and spirituality. Of course, never did I imagine that one day I would visit this ancient city in person. My wife, however, made that dream a reality when she surprised me on a longgg ago birthday with a trip to the place itself. For those who have never experienced Egypt in person, all I can say is add it to your bucket list. Yes… it is crazy… yes… there are “downs,” but nothing compares to walking amongst a place far beyond what even the modern mind can comprehend. 


While in Egypt, I found myself looking for - something - that would serve as a reminder of my time there. The thing is? I’m picky… so beautiful were the artifacts I’d laid my eyes on during my time in Egypt that I thought, “everything else just seems so… tacky?” Call me old fashioned, but I like my jewelry heavy. If I am going to pay arm and leg for a piece of jewelry, I want it to FEEL its worth. These days, you pay good cash to receive something in the mail that BARELY registers when held in the hand. Well, on my 2nd to last day in Cairo, my wife and I stopped at a - TINY - shop that we just about had decided to pass up. It was - filled - to the brim with jewelry. Gold, silver, brass… but one piece in particular caught my eye - the piece you see here. It was sitting behind a glass display, but it reflected light so RADIANTLY that it caught my attention. Aesthetically, the bracelet I was staring at was one of the most elaborately composed works of sterling silver I’d ever seen. I remember hoping, PRAYING that it wasn’t some flimsy, tin-like piece that had the beauty, but not the quality. Well, as soon as the shop owner placed the piece into the palm of my hand, I knew…. it was HEAVY, I could feel the weight pressing against the palm of my hand. Suffice to say I walked out of the shop with 51 GRAMS of sterling silver on my wrist. These days, the piece is just too heavy… whereas my wrists could once support the cuff’s weight - today? Not so much. As such, rather than let the bracelet sit in the confines of my jewelry drawer collecting dust - I have decided that the time has come to pass the piece on. 

The Piece Itself: 

This bracelet weighs in at approximately 51 GRAMS of solid sterling silver. The hallmarks on this bracelet are Egyptian. On each and every panel of this 9 panel bracelet, you have the Egyptian hallmark for sterling silver on the back bottom (photographed). On one of the panels, (the one bearing the fastening toggle) you have 3 hallmarks on the back right hand side. The hallmarks indicate the region of Egypt in which the bracelet was composed, the composition (sterling) and the date made. While the bracelet is “paneled,” there is actually an astounding degree of flexibility given the way in which the panels are connected (a solid silver hinge that the freely rotates). 

This cuff depicts hand etched images that are innately tied to that of ancient Egyptian culture. There are 9 panels, each bearing their hand etched image. 

  1. Figure in the “Red Crown.” Sometimes gods and goddesses are shown wearing the Red crown to associate them with the role of the king and the rulers divine right to rule the land of Egypt.
  2. King Tutankhamen 
  3. Scarab Beetle. Ancient Egyptians associated the dung beetle with the god of the early morning sun, Khepri, whose name was written with the scarab hieroglyph. Khepri was believed to roll the ‘disk of the morning sun’ over the eastern horizon at daybreak, just like the dung beetle would roll his sphere from sun rise to sunset.
  4. Queen Cleopatra 
  5. The Sphinx and the Pyramids 
  6. King Tutankhamen (again) 
  7. Queen Nefertiti 
  8. Scarab Beetle (again)
  9. Queen Cleopatra (again) 

The depictions on this sterling bracelet are LUDICROUSLY detailed. These are not “vague” depictions, but beautiful, masterfully composed representations of some of Egypt’s most famous landmarks, peoples, and symbols. Take a moment and truly examine the detail present in each and every panel…. Remember, too, that this was the work of human hands, and human hands alone. Though I got to a point where I could no longer where this piece, I routinely removed it from the jewelry box just to hold… to observe… running my fingers over the beautiful images of solid sterling silver. This is a piece that one never gets “used” to. Aside from the highly detailed images depicted in each panel, each panel also bears a highly complex and intricate “border,” with raised and receded sterling silver shaped into archaic geometric patterns. 

This bracelet is fastened with the use of solid silver peg. You hold each end together, and apply pressure to the peg to fuse both ends into one. The closing mechanism is very sturdy… very effective… through all of my years wearing, I never once had this piece “fall off.” This clasp was recently repaired (3 years back) for a sterling peg that was a bit thicker (tighter) for a more secure closure. The repair wasn’t cheap, but WORTH it… this piece will continue on long after I am gone (: 


This piece, truly, looks as it did on the day of its purchase. This is a piece that (if desired) will beautifully oxidize. However, if bright and radiant is what you prefer — simply take a polishing cloth to this piece once every few months. 

Parting Notes: 

Overall, this is a piece that you will NOT find elsewhere… a one of one, handmade piece made by Egyptians - depicting that which is sacred to Egyptian culture. I have had more people compliment this piece than any other piece of jewelry I’ve owned… an awesome conversation starter, and a worthy tribute to that ancient world that helped shape who we all are today! 

~If you have any further questions, or would like to see any additional photos, please do not hesitate to reach out in the form of an email. I will get back to you promptly. 


Weight: 51 GRAMS

Length (wrist size) : 7.5” (19.05 cm) 

Width: 1.25” (3.1 cm)