Condition as seen,   Probably the wife of Nathaniel Chaffee writing to him of issues back on the farm, with money and being chased for payment of such bills.  Also mentions a draft dodger member of the family. 

Orwell Oct the 16 1864

Muched loved companion

I now seat myself to inform you how we are getting along.  The children are well and doing very well with the work.  The boys have dug all the potatoes and will have about one hundred 40 bushels which is doing very good this year.  I have not got the threshing done yet but had of the ma promise of the ma____ this week.  I do not know but it will be a promise and not fulfill for I find that men make promises and do not fulfill.  JS Chaffee has not paid those notes yet.  He has gone with a drove gain and has not appeared at Towanda to be examined and I do not know whether he intend to or not.  It makes the old people feel bad to think that he _____ do so they are afraid that he will be treated as a deserter if he does not come home and pay that note of Samuel bucks what cause shall I take.  Mr. Buck called on Wednesday morning to see about it and said he wanted the money.  He did not now but I had the money he herd that Richard paid me some but he did not.  He paid it to JG Chaffee.  I hered that he did not like it very much because you did not leave the money for him instead of putting it in bonds so he could have it to ______ with that that was coming to him four you.  He has tal all but the note for the sheep.  He did not come here before he went away.  I was sick sop I did not go up there to see him.  I see Mr. Gibbs last night and he said that there was another revenue last to pay which will amount to as much as the other tax he got off ten percent interest on the other paid it for me the day to pay the license was the 16th of September.  I did not now when it was so Mr. Gibbs was going to Towanda.  I told him to pay it for me.  The checks and three hundred dollars is paid out for bonds.  I had to pay one half cent discount on a part of the money ____check.  I have paid out most all the money I had.  I do not expect to get any more for the flax as P Chaffee said that he would not pay any more because you sotle(stole?) some of it after he bought it.  I received a letter from you on Wednesday morning which stated that you were well and had sent me a letter with 4 dollars in it.  I have received it yet. I had a letter from Gerome today.  He said that he had seen you & Wm & was glad to see the boys and that you see my letter that I to him.  Mr. Farrer said that I must tell you to send your _____ home in a letter if you _____ for me about the letter.  I shall have to send the notes to you in my next letter and you must send it to a responsible man.  Dacia went Monroe’s last week to settle Marianne bill.  She told me that the charge was 70 or 75 dollars and that she heard a considerable more about her sickness and and that she suffered very much.  I heard that you got a fighting down there and was put in the guard house there.  You must be careful about such things as it making a talk around here.  Father & mother of CE & EA Taylor & father & mother Chaffee D____ & Maria were all here last Monday.  I must hasten to a close.  It is one o’clock at night.  Take good care of yourself and do the best you can.  May we live so that when we are called away from rather we may meet above.  Good by for the ______.  This from your wife TA to NB Chaffee

On top of third page is written:

Write and tell me what company regiment you belong to.  I hardly know where to _______.

Nathaniel Chaffee

Residence was not listed; 38 years old.

Enlisted on 9/3/1864 at Dryden, NY as a Private.

On 9/3/1864 he mustered into "E" Co. NY 179th Infantry 
He died on 1/24/1865 at Petersburg, VA
 (Died at Division Hospital)

* Corpl 

Sources used by Historical Data Systems, Inc.:

 - New York:  Report of the Adjutant-General 1893-1906
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