Atique Roman Micromosaics Plaque  Portrait Of Cavalier

Frame Size: Width: 21.60" x Hight: 27.25"

Picture Size: Width: 11.12" x 16.50"

Micromosaics (or micro mosaicsmicro-mosaics) are a special form of mosaic that uses unusually small mosaic pieces (tesserae) of glass, or in later Italian pieces an enamel-like material, to make small figurative images.[1] Surviving ancient Roman mosaics include some very finely worked panels using very small tesserae, especially from Pompeii, but only from Byzantine art are there mosaic icons in micromosaic with tesserae as small as the best from the Modern period. Byzantine examples, which are very rare, were religious icons. They are usually framed and treated like portable paintings.