Saint Julian of Norwich: England's Mystic 

Until the 16th Century, England had been known for many centuries as Mary’s Dowry. It was a country dedicated to the Mother of God, an island of Saints and its people were loyal to the Church of Rome. A young Catholic English woman named Julian, so called after the church by which she lived as a devout Roman Catholic anchoress, received a series of powerful revelations from Christ in the 13th Century and would become one of the greatest English mystics of the Catholic Church. Although she has been popularised by the Anglican Communion in recent years, a thorough look at St Julian’s complete writings reveal her to be incredibly relevant for the Catholic Church Militant today. She was authentically Roman Catholic, had a profound love of the Latin Mass, devotion to the Real Presence of Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, a deep affection for the Mother of God, and obediently wrote down a series of mystical meditations upon the Sacred Passion of Our Lord that will stir the heart of every Catholic devoted to the Rosary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

St Julian of Norwich is a great figure for the Catholic Church and is especially relevant for our times.

Length and Format:

The film runs for 40 minutes and is available on Region Free DVD worldwide.