Vintage Tibetan Buddhist Monk Handmade Black Cinnabar Silver Turquoise Bracelet 


This is a stunning piece that I picked up in the early ‘90s at a Tibetan Cultural Arts and Jewelry exposition while in San Francisco’s East Bay area - although many might not know it, the East Bay is home to the fourth-largest Tibetan community in North America, after those in New York, Toronto, and Minneapolis. Most Tibetans have arrived here as refugees or asylum seekers, and they continue to do so, from Nepal, India, and Tibet. For them, living in exile means that they have a chance to meet their spiritual leader in real life, as Tibetans in Tibet are forbidden to even have a photo of the Dalai Lama.

I spent 7 months in East Bay during the ‘90s, during which I fell madly in love with the Tibetan people, culture, lifestyle, and philosophical outlook. I am Christian by faith, but have maintained a deep fascination with, and utmost respect for the Buddhist faith. While in “Little Tibet by the Bay,” I came into contact with a Tibetan Monk called “Chodha,” - I found him to be one of the most open, innocent, and beautiful human beings I have ever met. At first, Chodha was weary of my professed interest in Tibet, in Napal, in the Buddhist faith. I believe he saw me simply as a harmless “tourist” of sorts… one that took his faith, his way of life - as a “fad,” or “passing hobby.” The more we spent time together, the more I believe he realized my interest to be genuine. Shortly after we first met, he noticed I wore a buddhist amulet alongside a Christian cross on my chest… he remarked on its beauty - I was flattered, but somewhat embarrassed… my little amulet was cheap - and factory made… I told him such. He simply smiled and nodded his head. After a few months, Chodha asked me if I’d like to accompany him to visit a friend - an artist in jeweler -operating in the Bay Area… I (of course) agreed. I was FLOORED the minute I walked into the little boutique… I do not believe in my 79 years that I have seen such beauty confined to such a small space… “You see?” Chodha said.. “This is the real deal.” HAHA! Oh I laugh thinking of that moment… me in my westernized ways in such a place of refined, regal beauty. I walked amongst the displays until something caught my eye - I felt Chodha at my side. “Ah. The Cinnabar.. very beautiful, no?” Beautiful was an understatement… what I was looking at was not just beautiful, but spiritual… the essence of what I loved most about buddhist nature… in the bracelet I was looking upon, I saw patience, commitment, care, finite execution, quality - and - nature… Truth be told, I never imagined I would list this piece… but, I am an old man now. Chodha has passed on to the next life.. I am not far behind (: a lively 79 years of age. I never imagined I would let go of this piece - but I now believe the time has come. I cannot take the bracelet with me, so - here it is… a piece of my heart, a piece of my story - a piece of my energy - up for grabs… I hope that whoever this piece goes off to will give it the time in the light, and continued admiration and care that it so deserves. 

The Piece Itself: 

This is not a piece you - own - per say… it is a piece you spend time with. The nature of human experience is that nothing is permanent - nothing stays in place. A piece as such? Well… I am just thankful for the time that I had - though, I will admit - I should have let it go long ago… this is a piece with a story - a piece with meaning -a piece that deserves to be shared. It is - in essence - teaching in physical form. So what can you learn from this piece? What is it saying? To understand what you are looking at - and all that it encompasses - first and foremost, you must realize that this piece was made - by hand - by a Tibetan monk with unsurmountable skill. I’d like to draw your attention first to the beads on this bracelet. The beads are Cinnabar, if you are unfamiliar with the medium - I highly encourage you to do some research.. as if I went down that rabbit hole, this description would never end. The Cinnabar beads are midnight black in hue, deep and absorbent of light. Each and every bead is UNFATHOMABLY detailed… by hand.. the etched, traditional buddhist designs therein at once perplexing, and ruggedly simple. No bead is alike.. even beads with the same depiction are varied - as again, this piece was made by human hand. The beads are BIG and BULKY - but not overly large… I’ve seen similar styled bracelets, and the size tends to be an “in between” of problematic… either too large, or too small… here, they are just right. Large enough to make out complex etched designs, but not cumbersome. Take some time viewing the detail of the Cinnabar… it is (to this day) quite extraordinary. 

Moving on to the HEAVY GAUGE, intricate LARGE solid silver beads. My WORD! I don’t know if this is just my attachment to the piece speaking, but I have NEVER seen such detail in silver form.. to get the detail seen here, in the unforgiving medium of sterling silver?!?! How many years did it take to achieve that level of skill? How many hours spent making just two elements of this stunning bracelet. The solid silver beads are incredibly ornate in composition - they look like something out of ancient times, and possess that incredible aesthetic that just reads - Buddhist. Expenditure of time… THAT is how you get solid silver beads that look as such. The solid silver beads are slightly larger than the black Cinnabar… they POP in their EXTREMELY vibrant hue, and high polish reflectivity. Despite this piece’s age - the silver still presents are luminous, vibrant, no dulling, no tarnish.. Please spend some time viewing each silver bead in detail…as this is how you can come to an understanding of their beautiful composition. 

Between the black Cinnabar beads (and the focal centerpiece of the bracelet - will discuss this later) two pressed circles of high quality, beautifully mottled blue turquoise. The addition of the blu turquoise, juxtaposed with the black Cinnabar and bright sterling silver - makes for a STUNNING element of contrast… the depth and character of this bracelet is seemingly unlimited. 

On to the “star of the show,” so to speak. At front and center - a LARGE, thick, and chunky carved (by hand) ox bone station. This station - I know - I cannot convey adequately through word alone… I have - never - seen anything like it… nor will I for the rest of my earthly life. This is a singular piece of ox bone, that is carved into the create a mesmerizing display of HIGH detail art… the ox bone depicts two robed asian figured, clutching between them a large, scaly fish. Above them, all sorts of flora and fauna… palms and fruit and sprawling leaves of plants and trees my western eyes have never seen… and likely never will. The detail here in this hand carving is just unparalleled! I mean… how can you not marvel at what the artist has managed to capture on a medium of BONE of all things… I could not capture a similar image with a pen and pad of paper…. the bone has a lovely warm - amber hue… paired with the deep black Cinnabar, the bright sterling silver, and the blue turquoise? Simply breathtaking… 

Overall, I know this description is lacking.. I truly did my best - but words cannot capture all that is in play here… because - how can you capture something so — spiritual? This is an important piece.. a piece close to my heart. I ask only that if you bid on this item - you intend to wear for personal use… to pass down in the family. Buy and flip sellers, PLEASE refrain from purchase… I need to know that this piece will be understood - that whoever buys will realize what they are wearing. If you are a “buy and flip” seller - you have my full permission to copy and paste this description ( : 

I just want the next owner to appreciate in full what they have purchased. 

~if you have any further questions, or would like to see any additional photos, please do not hesitate to reach out in the form of an email. I will get back to you promptly. Will ship overseas, but not responsible for any customs fees that might be incurred. 


Size: One size fits all (elastic cord) 

Weight: 30 GRAMS! 

Center Piece (Ox Bone): About 3.75 cm length by 1.75 cm width 

Cinnabar Beads: About 1.2 cm across

Sterling Beads: About 1.3 cm Across