- Unusual New Find 
- Size 47×42×30 mm 
- Weight 31 g 
- Origin Morocco

Apatite was first described by geologist Abraham Gottlob in 1786. The name 
Apatite comes from the Greek word “to deceive” because it is easy to mistake 
for other minerals.  

Stilbite are worthwhile healing stones that will help anyone suffering from
They aid you to easily slip into a relaxed state of mind prior to sleep and may 
stimulate quite profound dreams.
By their action to calm and soothe a chattering mind they also allow you to 
successfully attain a relaxed mental state. This makes them advantageous to 
use during meditation.

Meaning & Energy
Actinolite is a powerful heart stone that provides one’s emotional body
with protection from negative energies. So often do negative vibrations 
attach themselves to us, causing one to feel sadness, anxiety and depression. 

It is believed that certain gemstones and minerals have beneficial health 
and spiritual properties. However, using or wearing gemstones or minerals 
does not mean that you can treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please 
consult your health care professional for information on health care issues 
and do not stop any medications or courses of treatment, without first 
consulting your health care professional. The use of gemstones or minerals 
as a wellness therapy is one of personal choice. While stones or crystals 
have been used historically to relieve or prevent symptoms, the object 
sold on our website offer no guarantee of results. Therefore, we cannot
guarantee or be held liable for the effectiveness of these objects sold herein.

Buyer bears all possible import and export costs, customs costs, shipping 
costs, etc.

There may be variations in colours etc, as each computer, monitor and cell 
phone may show different qualities of colours.