Tetra Floating Pond Sticks are an ideal food for pond fish of all types. Low in phosphates, the food reduces the risk of an algae increase and improves water quality.

Please select the required size from the drop down menu when ordering. Available sizes are:

Tetra are one of the leading brands in fish food, and their pond food contains a mix of essential nutrients, fibre, minerals, vitamins and more. This means that your fish receive the best diet for healthy growth, development and beautiful colours.

The sticks float which is great for the pond keeper, as you can monitor how much your fish eat, and easily remove excess food.

Tetra recommend these sticks for spring, summer and autumn feeding, but when winter arrives its best to stick to Tetra Pond Wheatgerm Sticks which are much easier to digest.

Key Features:

Feeding Guide:

Feed Tetra Pond Sticks 2-4 times a day (depending on the temperature), feeding only as much as the fish will consume within a few minutes.