When Ellora's Cave went out of business in 2016, the Friends of the Library group I worked for received a massive donation of hundreds of books, as they emptied their warehouse and closed the doors. Given the erotic nature of the publishing house, the Group gave them to me to sell on line: which we did. We moved in the middle of this process and some of the books found there way into a box I just unearthed. So far as I know these stragglers are the last in my possession. 

The books are new old stock, direct from the publisher. Pictures are of the actual book(s) offered.

Ellora's Cave started out as an electronic publisher, but soon expanded to print.

Blush: This is a suggestive romance (love scenes are not graphic).

Liberty MacRae, daughter of a militiaman, has a second sight that shows her the British commander who murdered her loved ones. Sebastian Cole is a Fated One, a British soldier who died and has been sent back by the spirits to stop the brutal commander. When they must work together to destroy their enemy, they fall in love. But they have to find a way to defeat not only the murderer, but destiny as well—a destiny that demands that Sebastian either forfeit his life to defeat his enemy, or forfeit his soul. Can they find a way to change their destiny before Liberty’s most harrowing premonition, that of her lover’s death, comes true? Reader Advisory: This book contains some violence.