Chassis Guard Lanolin Oil Underbody 500ML Hand Sprayer

PLEASE NOTE:- THIS PRODUCT IS AVAILABLE FOR TESTING AND FEEDBACK AT A REDUCED COST. IT IS NOT A FINISHED PRODUCT AND NO GUARANTEES ARE MADE AS TO ITS PERFORMANCE.  This product has been for sale for around 12 months as "Tool Wipe" whilst we gathered feedback, and became more familiar with the materials used.

This product is made and developed by Craig @Buzzweld HQ in Bristol. The product basis is slightly different to other lanolin products out there (the main carrier is certainly different), and we have not used "Lan" or "lanolin" in the product name. We have done this because we believe in creating unique products that sell on their merits alone, instead of copying other brands successes. We are also designing new artwork, so this product may come in a white label for now.

The aim of this coating is to typically last 6>12 months, but be more economical than other coatings for this duration. We are trying to get a protected vehicle cost down from around £70 a year, to closer to £15>£20.

Product Pro's



Whilst chassis guard is largely made of food grade, or derived from food grade materials, do not ingest it and take steps to not breath it in. Such PPE as a dust mask, goggles and gloves are recommended.

* note, the hand sprayers have 10% less film build which may translate to 10% less longevity if you did an identical film coat vs the aerosol or tinned versions. However it is easier and far more convenient to apply so a second or third coat is far easier. Ultimatly this product is designed as a sacrificial maintenance coat.

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