The Piece Itself: 

Introducing an unparalleled masterpiece that defies convention and captivates the imagination – a speckled black marble bust, a product of the 1970s, created by the hands of an African artist. This sculpture stands as a testament to the artist's daring exploration of form, evoking a mesmerizing androgyny that draws you into its enigmatic presence.

From the moment your gaze falls upon it, you're entranced by the extraordinary details that set this bust apart. The elongated shape of the skull, the prominent and exaggerated brow bones that cast shadows of intensity, the eyes that demand your attention with their striking largeness – every element conspires to create an otherworldly allure. The nose, wide and grand, commands attention, and the lips, full and upturned in a subtle smile, exude a magnetic charm.

The sculpture's form extends down to the strong, tapered chin framed by a robust jawline, a study in contrasts that balances strength and subtlety. But perhaps the most intriguing feature is the long neck, an architectural marvel that not only supports the sculpture but adds an unexpected touch of elegance. This neck-as-base design ingeniously keeps the focus on the sculpted visage while providing a sturdy foundation.

The marble itself is a canvas of wonder. In some areas, it boasts a reflective and glossy surface that catches the light and deepens the intrigue of the bust's features. In others, a matte finish invites a tactile exploration, creating a harmonious interplay of textures that heightens the sensory experience.

What elevates this already exceptional sculpture to an unparalleled level is the knowledge that it was crafted by hand, a labor of love that transformed raw marble into a piece of art that defies easy categorization. Its weight, a testament to its authenticity and the commitment that went into its creation, grounds it in a tangible reality.

This particular masterpiece found its way into my hands from the captivating space of Tribal Art Africa in the mid-1970s. As an 80-year-old custodian of history, I feel a mix of sadness and the deep desire to ensure that these treasures find their way to new homes, to new caretakers who will appreciate and preserve their stories. This sculpture, with its enigmatic allure, its audacious exploration of form, and its unique androgynous nature, deserves a place of reverence.

So here it is, waiting to enthrall, to tell its story anew in the presence of a new owner. As I bid it farewell, I do so with the hope that it will continue to inspire, provoke thought, and remind us of the boundless possibilities that art can offer.

Note: While I was told upon its acquisition that it could be associated with the Dogon tribe, the passage of years and multiple cross-country moves have led to the loss of the paperwork that once held the key to its precise origin. While the exact tribal affiliation may remain a mystery, what is undeniably evident is the artist's mastery in carving these features from the raw canvas of black marble. Each stroke, each chisel mark, is a glimpse into a world where tradition meets the individuality of artistic interpretation. The loss of the specific tribal connection only adds to the aura of intrigue that surrounds this piece!

~If you have any further questions, or would like to see any additional photographs, please do not hesitate to reach out in the form of an email. I will get back to you promptly. Will ship overseas, but not responsible for any customs fees that might be incurred. 


About 5 inches tall 

2 lbs 3.4 Ounces (as mentioned, this is quite a heavy piece).