The Piece Itself: 

Discover a true masterpiece of craftsmanship and cultural heritage – a solid brass cuff that carries within it the essence of time-honored traditions. This cuff isn't just an accessory; it's an embodiment of artistry and history, an invitation to explore its intricate details and embrace its weighty significance.

Forged through the ancient technique of hand hammering, this cuff resonates with a primordial strength. Its weight, substantial and grounding, stands as a testament to its authenticity and endurance. The raised ridge that graces the center, top, and bottom isn't just a design choice; it's an architectural element that guides your fingers along its tactile landscape.

As your touch traverses the edges, you'll be transported to a realm of traditional African symbolism. Each meticulously hand-etched motif that adorns the bottom and top of the cuff carries with it the weight of generations. These intricate designs aren't mere decorations; they're windows into a rich cultural tapestry, each line and curve telling a story that reaches back in time.

Allow me to share a personal touch: this cuff found its way into my hands from Tribal Art Africa back in the early 1970s. It has been an intimate companion, witnessing the moments that life has woven into my story. Yet, as the years have passed, I find it's time to let this treasure continue its journey with someone else who will appreciate its significance.

This is more than just an item to me; it's a connection to a legacy that deserves recognition. Though it pains me to part with it, I am comforted by the thought of it finding a new home, a new chapter. I envision an owner who will hold it, feeling the hand-hammered textures and tracing the pathways of those traditional designs. I hope for it to be worn proudly, admired, and perhaps handed down through generations, a tangible bridge to a heritage that should be cherished.

So here it is, waiting to find its place in the light once more. Its stories and symbolism are ready to resonate anew with each new admirer. Allow it to grace your wrist, to become an extension of your identity, and let it serve as a reminder that art, culture, and tradition are enduring threads that weave through time. Long after my time here has come to an end, remember the old guy… somewhere (as you walk out the door with this piece around your wrist) I will be smiling (: 

~If you have any further questions, or would like to see any additional photos, please do not hesitate to reach out in the form of an email. I will get back to you promptly. 


Size: Adjustable. Keep in mind this is a THICK Heavy Gauge brass cuff. It is indeed adjustable but requires some strength to bend. Find that big hands dude in your life and ask for help if needed! (: 

NOTE: This cuff is about 2 inches in height from top to bottom… a BIG cuff that certainly comes up your wrist! 

Weight: 100 GRAMS!