potassium gluconate, 595mg, tablets, natural, heart health, function, muscles, blood circulation
potassium gluconate, 595mg, tablets, natural, heart health, function, muscles, blood circulation


Manufactured by Alfa Vitamins Laboratories, Inc. Alfa products are formulated in the USA with the highest quality ingredients in the market to ensure great results.

  • Gluten-Free
  • Non-GMO
  • High-quality & Natural
  • In-house Testing
  • Made in the USA

Potassium Gluconate - 595 MG - 100 Tablets

Supports Heart Function & Muscle Activity

Potassium Gluconate 595 Mg 100 Tablets Helps support heart function and promotes muscle activity. Potassium is an essential mineral that we get from our regular food and is one of the major electrolytes in our body, along with sodium and chloride. It plays a role in every heartbeat. A hundred thousand times a day, it helps trigger your heart to squeeze blood through your body. It promotes healthy muscle activity.

  • Potassium Gluconate 595 Mg - 100 Tablets
  • Supports Heart Function
  • Promotes Muscle Activity
potassium gluconate, 595mg, tablets, natural, heart health, function, muscles, blood circulation
potassium gluconate, 595mg, tablets, natural, heart health, function, muscles, blood circulation
potassium gluconate, 595mg, tablets, natural, heart health, function, muscles, blood circulation
potassium gluconate, 595mg, tablets, natural, heart health, function, muscles, blood circulation