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Incubator Kurochka Ryaba IB-130

Egg overturn -  mechanical
Egg type - Chicken, Duck, Injushin, Fazany

Capacity of eggs
Chicken 130
Ducks 110
Turkeys - 110

Thermostat type - digital 
Automatic temperature maintenance - 0.25 °C
Temperature range - 37.7 - 38.3 °C
Maximum load - 1.2 kW
Temperature maintenance - automatic
Maintenance of moisture - free evaporation
Air exchange - natural
Maintaining the temperature when switching - 4 hours
Power consumption - not more than 30W
Power from the network - 220 V
Heating element type of the - lamp
Ability to work autonomously - optional (via inverter)
Dimensions - 600х600х270 mm
Weight - not more than 2.8 kg

Complete set - Foam plastic, Metal frame, Plastic cover

Please note that incubator needs
220V power source and 

it has an European plug!

Made in Ukraine