The Piece Itself: 

Step into a world where craftsmanship and history converge in a remarkable piece of jewelry: the Sterling Silver Cross Pendant with its unparalleled artistry and deep-rooted symbolism. This pendant is an embodiment of extraordinary craftsmanship, a testament to the artisan's dedication and skill.

The moment you lay your eyes upon the face of this pendant, you are met with a profound connection to the past. It is adorned with five smaller crosses, each one holding a unique significance. Ancient historians have long believed that these crosses symbolize the five wounds that Jesus suffered during the crucifixion, a poignant and sacred representation that transcends time. This intricate detail on the face of the cross imbues the piece with a profound spiritual depth, allowing the wearer to carry the story of Christ's sacrifice close to their heart.

But it is not just the symbolism that captivates the soul; it is the impeccable design that demands admiration. The surface of the pendant is meticulously polished to a radiant shine, reflecting light with a brilliance that is truly enchanting. Yet, upon closer inspection, you discover the presence of tiny circular divots imprinted all over the face of the pendant, nestled beneath the five smaller crosses. These delicate divots, like small whispers of texture, add an unexpected dimension to the pendant's design. They create an almost tactile connection, a gentle reminder of the intricate details that make this piece so special.

Turning the pendant over, you are greeted by the unmistakable "sterling" hallmark, a testament to its genuine quality and craftsmanship. This pendant is a timeless treasure, an enduring symbol of faith and artistry, and a testament to the enduring beauty of sterling silver.

As you hold this pendant in your hand, you are not just wearing a piece of jewelry; you are wearing a piece of history and artistry. It is a cross that carries with it the weight of centuries of belief and devotion, a masterpiece of craftsmanship that transcends time and place. Wear it proudly, for it is more than just a pendant; it is a symbol of faith, history, and the enduring beauty of the human spirit.

Parting Note: This is a piece that I know (once gone) I will not be able to replace… I debated for some time whether to list because of this reason, but overall - made the decision that it is time for someone - else - to get to experience the beauty of this piece. I am 80 years old this year, and I’ve begun the process of looking for “forever homes” for many of the items I’ve so loved through the years. My hope is that wherever this piece ends up going off to - it received the continued love and admiration it so deserves! 

~If you have any further questions, or would like to see any additional photos, please do not hesitate to reach out in the form of an email. I will get back to you promptly. 


Length: 4 Centimeters

Width: 1.3 Centimeters

Weight: 14 Grams