This vinyl sticker QR code allows you to connect with your visitors from anywhere in the world. Simply stick it on or near your front door.

The medium-sized vinyl sticker comes with a QR code included, making it easy for people visiting your home or business to contact you wherever you are in the world. The person trying to contact you does not need to download the DoorVi app.
The brand is known for its high-quality products, and this QR code is no exception. With features like video calling and the ability to see who is at your door, this vinyl sticker is a valuable addition to any smart home or surveillance system. Whether you're at home or away, this QR code makes it easy to keep your home safe and secure.
Any Visitor standing outside the house just needs to scan the QR code and connect with the house owner over a video call.
The house owner can see and speak with visitors from anywhere in the world on a smartphone.
The cost of the QR code includes a lifetime subscription all you have to do is activate the code by downloading the free DoorVi app and you are good to go.