This is a 1905 University of Wisconsin Badger Jubilee Yearbook.   It is First Edition, hardcover, in very good condition. There are individual photos of those graduating with undergraduate degrees and law degrees.   There are group photos of sports teams, including varsity football (p.152) and varsity baseball (p. 168).  Members of the honorary society Phi Beta Kappa are listed on page 296.

There is at least two notable law graduates, Michael Balthasar Olbrich (pictured on page 130), and Daniel Webster Hoan, (pictured on page 361). According to Wikipedia,

Michael Olbrich (September 29, 1881 – October 10, 1929) was a Madison, Wisconsin, lawyer, politician, and conservationist, who founded Olbrich Botanical Gardens  and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum. The Olbrich Gateway at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum is also named for him. Olbrich was involved in a court case over a Montana sheep ranch in which he had invested much of his money, which led to his suicide in 1929.

Daniel Webster Hoan (March 12, 1881 – June 11, 1961) was an American politician who served as the 32nd Mayor of Milwaukee,Wisconsin from 1916 to 1940. A lawyer who had served as Milwaukee City Attorney from 1910 to 1916, Hoan was a prominent figure in Socialist  politics and Milwaukee's second Socialist mayor. His 24-year administration remains the longest continuous Socialist administration in United States history. A panel of 69 scholars in 1993 ranked him among the ten best mayors in American history.

The yearbook:  It is volume number 19, with 505 pages, including advertisements.  It is 9 1/2 " tall by 7 1/2 " wide, with a brown cover of boards covered with brown cloth and tan leather at the spine. There is no writing in the book.