The Piece Itself: 

Let's embark on a journey into the world of artistry and craftsmanship like no other. This extraordinary antique treasure, known as the "Sarcophagus Box," beckons you to explore its hauntingly beautiful depths. Crafted entirely by hand, it stands as a testament to the ingenuity and skill of artisans from a bygone era.

The first thing that captures your attention is the sheer intricacy of the design. Imagine a wooden canvas brought to life with an array of hand-carved, three-dimensional skeletons. These skeletal figures, meticulously rendered on all four sides of the box, are poised in a strikingly eerie posture. With their bony arms held aloft, they appear to be bearing the weight of the box itself, a grim and ghostly procession that invites contemplation.

Yet, the true star of this macabre masterpiece is the magnificent anatomical skeleton that graces the top of the box. Here, the artistry reaches its zenith. This large and exquisitely detailed skeletal form, carved with astonishing precision, captures every anatomical detail with uncanny accuracy. It seems almost as if the smaller skeletons surrounding it are engaged in a solemn duty, carrying this majestic centerpiece in a spectral parade of unparalleled artistry.

Consider, for a moment, the skill that went into creating this remarkable work. Each skeleton is a testament to the artisan's mastery of their craft, an example of the dedication and artistry that define the golden age of handmade treasures. The meticulous attention to detail, the artful rendering of bone and sinew, and the ability to evoke a sense of eerie elegance is a testament to the skill of the creator.

This exquisite hand-tooled wooden treasure box carries not only the weight of its design but also the weight of history. Discovered in the enchanting town of Santa Fe, New Mexico, in the early '80s, it's believed to have been born in the mid-1950s. Just before its sale in the early '80s, it underwent a loving restoration and repainting. However, it remained faithful to its original form when it comes to the carving of the wood itself.

This "Sarcophagus" Carved Wood Treasure Box transcends the notion of a mere antique; it's a living testament to American folk art history. Its uniqueness lies not only in its design but in its ability to evoke a sense of refined elegance and mystique. While it may conjure images of Halloween, it's far more than a seasonal prop; it's a timeless masterpiece that can grace your home throughout the year.

We've cherished this piece for years, but it's time for it to embark on the next chapter of its journey, to find a new family that will treasure and protect it. Our only request is that you keep this remarkable piece within your family, passing it down through generations as a symbol of artistry and tradition.


This piece is beautifully condition considering its antique status. The slight “fissures” in the wood you see in the photographs do not “travel through” but are surface level, the overall structure of the box is solid. It will be around for MANY more years to come if cared for properly. Do NOT store in a humid room, and keep out of the direct sunlight! 

Parting Note: 

As we reluctantly bid adieu to this extraordinary piece, we do so with a sense of anticipation and appreciation for the journey it's yet to embark upon. We hope that it finds a new home, a new chapter in its history, with a family or collector who will honor its unique beauty and craftsmanship. This treasure has patiently awaited its moment in the spotlight, and we're confident that it will finally find the appreciation it truly deserves.

~If you have any further questions, or would like to see any additional photos, please do not hesitate to reach out in the form of an email. I will get back to you promptly. 


13.25” in Length 
9.5” in Height 
5.5” Deep