原产地优选昆仑雪菊 Premium Snow Chrysanthemum Flower Tea Dried Kunlun Wild
Why choose us?
  • It comes from the foot of the Tianshan Mountains and grows in the frozen cliffs above the Kunlun Mountains.
  • The lack of original ecological pollution, high altitude, geographical climate and other factors promote the snow chrysanthemum produced in Xinjiang, rich in nutrients, the content of amino acids and trace elements is several times higher than that of snow chrysanthemum produced in other areas. 
  • High medicinal value.The quality is authentic, the taste is mellow, the soup color is Jiangred, the entrance is smooth and fresh.
  • Sweet taste, no sulfur, no additives.
  • After steam finishing technology and microwave heat conduction frying technology, to ensure that the essence does not lose, retain the original nutrition.
  • Blossoming whole, no flowers. Picked fresh, hand-picked.
  • 来自天山脚下,生长于昆仑山3000米以上的冰封悬崖中。
  • 新疆原生态污染少,海拔高,地理气候等因素促使其所产的雪菊,营养成分丰富,其中的氨基酸,微量元素含量比其他地区生产的雪菊高出数倍。药用价值高。
  • 品质正宗,口感醇正,汤色绛红,入口顺滑清新。
  • 口感甘甜,无硫,无任何添加剂。
  • 经过蒸汽杀青技术和微波热传导炒制技术,保证精华不流失,保留原汁原味的营养。
  • 朵朵完整,没有碎花。新鲜采摘,人工挑选。
Please keep in a cool and dry place, sealed, moisture-proof and odor-proof.
How to drink?
Put a proper amount of snow chrysanthemum into the cup, inject the hot water above 90 degrees, wait for 3-5 minutes, then drink, can be repeated brewing.
At what time to drink?
  • When you get up in the morning
  • When the fatigue
  • Before you go to bed at night
  • 早晨起床后
  • 疲劳时
  • 晚上睡觉前
Efficacy function
It has the effect of dispersing wind and clearing heat, detoxifying swelling, improving brain and eyesight, etc. It has obvious effect on pneumonia, rhinitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, sore throat, and has the effect of sterilization, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and preventing cold and chronic enteritis. Snow chrysanthemum is used for drinking water, but also can reduce blood sugar, blood fat, blood pressure, beauty, moisten the characteristics of bowel laxative. Drinking snow chrysanthemum water can also relieve visual fatigue caused by excessive use of the eyes and liver damage caused by alcohol consumption.