(4) 22K Golden Replicas-PACIFIC 97 INT'L EXHIBITION Postal Commemorative Society

Mint condition - just found the original un-opened box in our attic with lots of wonderful stamps
on letter (no addresses) and the detailed card outlining the specifications for each stamp.
What a fabulous gift for the collector from kids to adults. 

These stamps publicize the Pacific 97 international stamp exhibition opening in San Francisco
with part of the first-ever issue of triangle-shaped U.S. stamps.  These honor the pioneers who
opened with American West in the mid-1800s.

The envelopes themself are stuffed with something and sealed.  No idea what's inside.  First Day
of Issue.  The post office stamp is dated Sept 10, 1997 from New York, NY 10199.

Each envelope is 7.5 inches long by 4.25 inches wide.

The following 22-Karat gold stamp on a red velvet cartouches on the left side and the actual stamp
in glorious color on the upper right side:

U.S. Mail Stagecoach
Benjamin Franklin as the principal architect of America's postal system
George Washington who appointed the first three postmasters general
Clipper Ship Richard S. Ely who brought settlers by boat to California

Price range on the stamps are from 32 to 60 cents.
