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Made in Poland. The founder of the Salmo company and the main designer of the lures is Mr. Piotr Piskorski. Salmo - Performance Fishing Lures. You only have to fish with SALMO lures once to become convinced of how special they are. They really are not just more imitations made to satisfy the whims of collector-anglers - these lures are unique for several reasons. There is no other lure manufacturer in the world who, as well as drawing upon his skill and fishing passion, has invested in professional knowledge of fish biology. SALMO lures therefore have built-in secrets – a powerful combination coming from the knowledge and experience of designers (graduate fish biologists) and the demanding SALMO field testers in Europe and overseas. The magic of these secrets is confirmed every day by the messages of thanks coming in from many countries accompanied by pictures of trophy fish caught on our lures and stories about fantastic fishing adventures.


The FATSO certainly was a ‘breakthrough' lure, just notice the way others try to copy this killer. But despite all the efforts made, the FATSO's wiggle simply can't be copied. Any serious game angler who clipped on a FATSO to twitch, crank, jerk or troll it can tell you how devastatingly effective the is. So get some FATSOs and you will be in for a super season, and don't forget your pliers - there are trophy fish just waiting to be unhooked!

Recommended for:
Pike, zander.

Salmo Fatso
Fish: Pike, Zander, Catfish
Length: 12.00 cm
Swimming depth: 400 cm
Type: Sinking
Weight: 71.00 g