Notascript Banknotes ,Bonds & Shares.
One share certificate of Banco da Provincia do Rio Grande do Sul,(Acçâo)1918 200$000  Reis share value .Two handwritten signatures.Watermark paper .Printer: Lit.Weingäetner & Cia Porto Alegre. Bank head office at Porto Alegre (Brazil).Condition (opinion):Fine (F).Stains at upper and lower edges ,(see scan).Uncancelled .Old document with collectable value only

See below  related information from the web in Portuguese and in English-online translated.


Terms of sale and shippig information

Postage, including packing material, handling fees : Europe: USD 8.00 / USA $ 9.00. Rest of the World: USD 10.00. FREE of postage for other items. (excluding purchases under US$70.00 with a weight greater than 100 gr. including the protection and packaging card ) .Only one shipping charge per shipment (the highest one) no matter how many items you buy (combined shipping).

Guaranteed genuine - One month return policy (retail sales) .Returns accepted with no questions.

Customers are invited to combine purchases to save postage.

As we have (or could have) more than one identical  item ,the serial number may differ from those shown in the picture which is for reference only.

For purchases above $70.00 we send the orders registered with tracking number without extra charge, for purchases below $70.00 we ship as regular letters at the buyer's risk. 

For purchases below $ 70,00 who want to register your letter with tracking number, please add an extra for : Europe $4.20 , U.S. $5.00 ,Rest of the word $5.90 .For this case ,please request  or wait  for our invoice before paying.

Postage include packaging material and handling fees.

For some destinations and purchases below $70.00 customers may be requested for this extra shipping payment in order to register the shipment with tracking number.

We reserve the right to cancel transactions that require the sending of unregistered letters (without tracking number) to some destinations when this extra payment has been requested.

For purchases over $70.00, the excess weight will be free. 

For purchases under US$70.00 with a weight greater than 100 gr. including the protection and packaging card, the buyer is asked not to make the payment until receiving the invoice or shipment note, since the cost will be calculated and the type of shipment will be assessed (registered or insured or not) and the buyer will be charged the approximate total of the costs of the Post Office rate (rates that are public and can be consulted), in this case the costs of packaging materials, handling and delivery management are free.

 In the event that the buyer has already made the payment, he will be asked to pay the difference that is missing for the payment of the postal rate. Likewise, we reserve the right to cancel transactions that have not been paid this extra amount when requested.

If for any reason, your item did not arrive yet, or you are not 100% satisfied with the item you have received, please do not hesitate to contact , I will do all it takes to provide the best service.

Full refund policy ,including shipping cost, guaranteed in case of lost or theft after the completion of the complaint with Spanish Correos for the registered letters (free of extra charges for purchases abobe $70.00 or with the extra charge paid for purchases below $70.00). 

The buyer must notify to us of the delay in the arrival of his purchase when he meets 3 weeks ( to Europe) to 4 weeks (rest of the World) this guarantee expires two months after the shipment of his purchase if we have not previously received notice of the delay.


Banknote Grading

About Uncirculated 
Extremely Fine 
Very Fine 
Very Good 


no counting marks 
light counting folds OR... 
light counting folds 
corners are not fully rounded 
much handling on edges 
rounded edges 


no folds 
...OR one light fold through center 
max. three light folds or one strong crease 
several horizontal and vertical folds 
many folds and creases 



paper is clean with bright colors 
paper may have minimal dirt or some color smudging, but still crisp 
paper is not excessively dirty, but may have some softness 
paper may be dirty, discolored or stained 
very dirty, discolored and with some writing 
very dirty, discolorated, with writing and some obscured portions 
very dirty, discolored, with writing and obscured portions 


no tears 
no tears into the border 
minor tears in the border, but out of design 
tears into the design 


no holes 
no center hole, but staple hole usual 
center hole and staple hole 


no pieces missing 
no large pieces missing 
piece missing 
piece missing or tape holding pieces together


See below related information from the web:


Banco da Província do Rio Grande do Sul na Avenida Júlio | Pioneiro
Restauração da Antiga Agência do Banco da Província do Rio Grande do Sul

Projeto Arquivado

Após sucessivas prorrogações e a falta de condições para aquisição de terreno lindeiro, a Defender decidiu arquivar este projeto junto ao Ministério da Cultura.

A razão dessa decisão se deve a impossibilidade de cumprimento do projeto aprovado, que previa a construção de um anexo neste terreno.

Inaugurado em 08 de setembro de 1927, foi construído especificamente para abrigar uma agência do Banco da Província do Rio Grande do Sul, primeiro banco a instalar uma agência em Cachoeira do Sul, em 18 de maio de 1911. Tem o risco do engenheiro e arquiteto italiano Domingos Francisco Rocco. Foi a primeira obra comercial e a 19ª de um total de 853 obras da empresa construtora Azevedo, Moura & Gertum. Adquirido pela Prefeitura do Município foi cedido para abrigar a Câmara de Vereadores em 30 de janeiro de 1983. Por seu valor arquitetônico e histórico foi tombado pelo Conselho Municipal do Patrimônio Histórico-Cultural em 1985.

A decisão do poder legislativo do município de ampliar os espaços administrativos complementares com a construção de um anexo no terreno lindeiro; buscar recursos externos para a restauração do prédio tombado; destinar a metade do prédio histórico para uso da população em atividades artísticas, de memória, artes plásticas, de inclusão digital e outras, cria, oportuniza e disponibiliza um novo ponto de acesso público à cultura com garantias seguras de sustentabilidade e manutenção. A restauração e a destinação deste monumento, que possui por sua localização central integrada com a principal praça pública de lazer e eventos da cidade, um elevado valor urbano e paisagístico, constitui um inédito exemplo educacional, de valoração do patrimônio e resgate da auto-estima da população. Este exemplo deverá impactar de forma perene o desenvolvimento cultural, social e turístico do município, como resultado da união de esforços do poder público, da sociedade civil, de incentivos públicos e privados, para alinhavar renúncias e construir benefícios para a sua própria comunidade.

Cartão Postal Porto Alegre, RS. Banco Alemão, Editora SAntiga Agência do Banco da Província do Rio Grande do Sul – Restauração e Reabilitação. Projeto Cultural aprovado pelo Ministério da Cultura. Em fase de captação de recursos.

Plantas baixas originais da Antiga Agência do Banco da Província do Rio Grande do Sul


.............Sul-Brazil - A companhia de Seguros Maritimos e terrestres, fundada pelo Banco da Provincia do Rio Grande do Sul e pelos senhores Pedro Chaves de Barcellos e João Barbará, tendo como diretores os srs. F. de Nabuco Varejão, João Moreira da Silva e Leopoldo Dexheimer, installou o seu escriptorio á rua Marchal Floriano, n. 68, sobrado, e iniciou as suas operações.


(Online translated)

 Restoration of the Old Agency Bank of the Province of Rio Grande do Sul
Archived Project

After successive extensions and the lack of conditions for acquisition of land bordering the Defender decided to shelve this project with the Ministry of Culture.

The reason for this decision is due to failure to meet the approved project, which included the construction of an annex in this area.

Opened on September 8, 1927, was built specifically to house a branch of the Bank of the Province of Rio Grande do Sul, the first bank to set up a branch in Cachoeira do Sul, May 18, 1911. Has the risk of the Italian architect and engineer Dominic Rocco Francisco. It was the first commercial work and 19 th of a total of 853 works of the construction company Azevedo Moura Gertum. Acquired by the Municipality was transferred to house the City Council on January 30, 1983. For its historical and architectural value was listed by the City Council of the Historic-Cultural Monument in 1985.

The decision of the county legislature to extend the additional administrative spaces with the construction of an annex bordering on the ground, seek external funding for the restoration of listed buildings, intended for half of the historic building for use by people in artistic activities, memory, arts, digital inclusion and others, creates, nurture and provides a new point of public access to culture to secure guarantees of sustainability and maintenance. The allocation and restoration of this monument, which has for its central location integrated with the main public square and leisure events in the city, a high value urban and landscape, is an unprecedented educational example, valuation of assets and recovery of self-esteem population. This example should impact so lasting cultural development, social and tourism in the municipality as a result of joint efforts of government, civil society, public and private incentives, waivers and to baste benefits to build your own community.

Old Agency Bank of the Province of Rio Grande do Sul - Restoration and Rehabilitation. Cultural Project approved by the Ministry of Culture. In phase of fundraising.

Original blueprints of the Old Agency Bank of the Province of Rio Grande do Sul 
