10 Inch Skillet Amber Visions Corning Vision Ware Fry Pan USA PYREX

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Corning Vision Cookware refers to a line of cookware products that were made from a type of glass-ceramic material known as Pyroceram. The Corning Vision Cookware was popular in the late 20th century and was known for its unique properties, such as being transparent, heat-resistant, and able to go from stovetop to oven without breaking.

Pyroceram is a material that was originally developed for military use and then repurposed for consumer cookware by Corning Glass Works (now Corning Incorporated). The glass-ceramic material could withstand extreme temperature changes, making it ideal for cooking applications.

The Corning Vision Cookware line included various types of pots, pans, and casserole dishes in different sizes, all made from this Pyroceram material. The transparent nature of the cookware allowed users to monitor the cooking process without lifting the lid. However, the Vision Cookware line was eventually discontinued, and it can be challenging to find these products on the market today.

It's worth noting that while the Corning Vision Cookware was known for its unique characteristics, there have been advances in cookware technology since then, and other materials and designs have become more popular in modern kitchens.