Walls, Tears And Za 'Tar Of Gianluca Solera - 2007 - Nuovadimensione Signed

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Walls, tears and za'tar. Life stories and voices from the land of Palestine: Walls, tears and za'tar is the journey of a pilgrim who avoided organized tours to discover places and people of the Holy Land. It brings together the political and spiritual soul of an investigation into people who, finding themselves prisoners of the latest ethno-colonial ideology, resist by relying on the overwhelming force of life and certain small things, such as za'tar (thyme) in olive oil, in which homemade bread is dipped. In times in which attempts are being made to erase the identity of Palestine from maps, the author records signs and words, and documents both Palestinian suffering and the social and human consequences of the occupation on Israelis. Through lively civil society associations, meeting politicians, refugees and professors, bishops and patriarchs, resisters and ordinary people, the picture of a confused and fractured land is reconstructed piece by piece. In the book we can hear the testimony of an intransigent settler from Qiryat Arba who describes Hebron from both sides; or let a rabbi lead us by the hand among the Bedouins who live in the shacks on the outskirts of the elegant Israeli settlements east of Jerusalem. There are always cracks between the Walls, and people of good will or those desperately trying to live with dignity know how to find them. And go through it. 
Walls, tears and Za'tar is the journey of a pilgrim who has avoided the organized tours to discover the places and people of the Holy land. Combines the political and spiritual soul of a survey on people who, when the last prisoner ethno-colonial ideology resists relying on overwhelming force of life and certain little things, like the Za'tar (thyme) in olive oil, where it dips the bread . In a time when it is trying to erase the identity of Palestine from cartographies, the author records signs and words, and documents both Palestinian suffering social and human consequences of occupation on the Israelis. Through lively civil society associations, meeting politicians, refugees and professors, bishops and Patriarchs, resilient and common folk, you rebuild wall plug after another picture of a confused and cracked Earth. In the book we can listen to the testimony of an intransigent settler of Qiryat Arba describing Hebron both sides; or let us lead by the hand from a Rabbi among the Bedouins who live in shacks on the outskirts of the stylish Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem. Between the walls there are always gaps, and people of good will or those who desperately try to live with dignity they meet them. And pass through.

Bibliographic information of the Book

  • Book Title: Walls, tears and za'tar. Life stories and voices from the land of Palestine
  • Author :  Gianluca Solera
  • Publisher: newdimension
  • Necklace: Beyond , No. 2
  • Publication date: 2007
  • Type: social Sciences
  • Subject :  Palestine
  • Pages: 448
  • ISBN-10: 8889100435
  • ISBN-13:  9788889100431


Walls, tears and za'tar. Life stories and voices from the land of Palestine: Walls, tears and za'tar is the journey of a pilgrim who avoided organized tours to discover places and people of the Holy Land. It brings together the political and spiritual soul of an investigation into people who, finding themselves prisoners of the latest ethno-colonial ideology, resist by relying on the overwhelming force of life and certain small things, such as za'tar (thyme) in olive oil, in which homemade bread is dipped. In times in which attempts are being made to erase the identity of Palestine from maps, the author records signs and words, and documents both Palestinian suffering and the social and human consequences of the occupation on Israelis. Through lively civil society associations, meeting pol
ISBN 9788889100431
Data di pubblicazione 2007
Lingua Italiano
Editore nuovadimensione
Autore Gianluca Solera