Protector RESURGENCE CD for your Atari Jaguar! First released in 2014 by Songbird Productions. Item is shrink-wrapped, and includes case, instructions, controller overlays, and glass-mastered CD.

NOTE: This is an expansion CD for your Protector: Special Edition cartridge; therefore you must own Protector: Special Edition and a Jaguar CD unit to use this CD. 

From the back of the box:

Invaders have jammed our newly deployed missile silos, meteor storms strike at will, and scouting reports indicate the deadly Vorton obliterates everything in its path. Will you be the next PROTECTOR?
  • 24 new waves, including 12 standard waves and 12 expert waves
  • New galaxy and ground graphics
  • New player ship animation and gameplay features
  • New music
  • New enemies, including missile silos and the deadly Vorton boss

BONUS: Every copy of Protector RESURGENCE includes 4 card stock keypad overlays for Protector, Total Carnage, Skyhammer, and Robinson's Requiem, as shown in the photos. Enjoy!

About Me:

Songbird Productions has been supporting the Atari Lynx and Jaguar for more than 20 years. We have a long history of bringing new games, hardware, and collectibles to gaming fans worldwide. Buy with confidence!