Buddha Thai Amulet 
Rahu Om-Chan 
Wat Si Sa Thong 
Gorgeous For Charm Protection Fortune
Year 2016
Model : Consecration of Sri-Sa Thong Temple
Material: Kralai Longya Blue

More fascinating details.

Wat Si-Sa-thong in Thailand is renowned 
for its association with Rahu worship 
due to several key factors. 
The temple has experienced teachers 
and practitioners who possess in-depth knowledge 
and expertise in Rahu worship 
and related beliefs and rituals. 
It serves as a hub for the transfer 
of knowledge and traditions 
related to Rahu worship, 
with textbooks and 
traditional teaching methods 
passed down through generations. 
The temple has gained popularity 
and respect among the general public 
due to the widespread belief in 
Rahu's influence based on religious 
and astrological beliefs. 
Situated in Nakhon Pathom province near Bangkok, 
it is easily accessible, 
making it a convenient and prominent destination 
for those seeking Rahu blessings. 
The combination of these factors 
has contributed to Wat Sri Sathong's reputation 
and made it a significant place for many individuals 
who come to seek blessings, particularly in matters 
of luck and success in their lives.

The benefits of worshiping Rahu:

Wealth and Prosperity: 
People believe that worshiping Rahu 
enhances their financial well-being and prosperity.

Reducing Negative Influences: 
Worshiping Rahu is thought 
to reduce negative influences 
and health-related issues.

Safety and Protection: 
It is believed to provide protection 
and safety in one's life.

People expect that worshiping Rahu 
will make their astrological signs 
more favorable and bring stability.