100% NATURAL KACCHI NEEM COMB For Multi-Action - DETANGLING, FRIZZ CONTROl & SHINE. KACCHI NEEM COMB For FRIZZ CONTROl & SHINE. Suited for short hair or after detangling for long hair. Key Benefits: Young neem wood combs provide multi-faceted benefits for hair & overall health Drives hair growth & thickness, Controls hair loss & thinning. Keeps away brittleness, cuticle damage & hair breakage.

Drives hair growth & thickness
Treats dandruff & itchy scalp
Prevents brittleness, cuticle damage & hair breakage
About The Brand: Nat Habit brings to you freshly made beauty and wellness products inspired by ancient solutions prepared in Ayurvedic kitchens. These products are made everyday, to deliver them to you absolutely fresh without chemicals and preservatives. All Nat Habit products are rich in grains, grams, nuts, milk, yogurt and/or fresh herbs and flowers. Each product is packed with necessary nutrients to keep your mind and body healthy and administered by certified cosmetologists and doctors