This Tortoise, 11" figure includes Very Nice features to give it realistic details that are true to natural anatomy. This figure is considered a high quality replica. Very Soft, and a Great Feel in your Hands.

Also known as land turtles, tortoises are found on all continents except for Antarctica and Australia. With nearly 50 species spread across more than 15 genera, tortoises vary widely in terms of size, color, and other features. Many exist only in the wild, but some are kept as pets. Several species are considered endangered to some degree, but conservation efforts have helped increase populations in some cases. With an average lifespan of 80 to 150 years, tortoises are the longest-living land animals on the planet. Tortoise, any member of the turtle family Testudinidae. Formerly, the term tortoise was used to refer to any terrestrial turtle. The testudinids are easily recognized because all share a unique hind-limb anatomy made up of elephantine (or cylindrical) hind limbs and hind feet; each digit in their forefeet and hind feet contains two or fewer phalanges. With the exception of the pancake tortoise (Malacochersus tornieri), the shell is high domed. Shells of some species are nearly spherical with a flattened base. Tortoises are exclusively terrestrial and occur on all continents except Australia and Antarctica. They also inhabit many islands, although numerous island populations and species are now extinct because of human occupation. There are at least 15 genera of living tortoises; one genus, Geochelone, is distributed from South America to Africa and Asia. There are about 49 species of tortoises, and they range in size from the padlopers (Homopus) of southern Africa, with shell lengths of 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 inches), to the giant tortoises (Geochelone) of the Aldabra and Galapagos islands, with shells over 1 meter (3.3 feet) long. Tortoises live in a variety of habitats, from deserts to wet tropical forests. Most tortoises are vegetarians and eat foliage, flowers, and fruits; some tortoise species from moist forest habitats are more opportunistic and consume animal matter.

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