This rare Salvinia Cucullata live floating plant, also known as Asian watermoss, is a perfect addition to any freshwater aquarium. It thrives in tropical water temperature and is recommended for beginners. This plant is great for providing natural cover for your fish and keeping your aquarium environment healthy. Please note that this item is for collection only.

Thats the AI bit :D

As the title states. This is collection only (YEOVIL) as I do not want to risk sending for delivery and having issues! 

I am not a shop, I am just selling my excess floating plants that I would normally throw away. Judging by what I received when I bought them, I throw away £25-40 worth a month

The AI has stated that it thrives in tropical water. Well I keep mine in a sub tropical 22 degrees and they do even better. As you might see, I restrict my water flow with some floss. This is because my fish and these plants do not like a heavy flow!

It is coming from a tank that has been going for 5 years, so it's very well established. Along with the asian watermoss, which is beautiful, duckweed can be included or separated from depending on preference. 

*Please note, I do keep snails, mainly nerite and rabbit snails (not intrusive), although I do get some ramshorns too. They are not a problem for me (usually remove a few during maintenance) Although, if found in a small tank, they might become a "pest"

*As these are floating plants, the chance of getting snails along for the ride is slim but not impossible. I will not take responsibility for any problems once they leave my tank. They are sold as seen. Advice will be given before they are taken home if required!