Complete game as shown.

Penguin freeze tag is a game of strategy and adventure. Players race their penguins around Antarctica in a mad dash to catch some fish and return to the Penguin club. But watch out...another player can freeze you and stop you in your tracks. That's where the excitement begins.

The hungry penguins roll the die and waddle around the board to reach the Fishing hoels. When they land exactly on one of the squares with fish printed on them, they catch a fish of that color and move it to their Fish Freeze. Each time that they catch a fish, penguins msut return to the Penguin Club through one of the four blue entrances marked “Start.” Penguins must catch the fish of their own color last.

Penguins who land on or next to another penguin can freeze that penguin by covering it with a Freeze-Tag Ice Cube.

Frozen penguins stay frozen, and may not move, although they roll the die on each turn. On the turn that they roll either a one or a six, frozen penguins thaw out, and roll again and move. Penguins get an extra turn whenever they freeze another penguin.

Penguins may move in any direction that they choose, although they may not move diagonally or move through a square that they already moved though on that turn. Penguins who start their turn on a Swimming Hole may move to any other Swimming Hole, then roll and move.

To reach a Swimming Hole, the Penguin Club, or one of the squares with a fish printed on them , penguins must roll the exact number of squares needed. Swimming Hole spaces and the Penguin Club count as one square. The first penguin to catch one fish of each color and return to the Penguin Club is the winner.