The world's most popular indoor plant! Can be kept in water in a clear vase with decorative rocks, or planted in light, aerated soil. Great choice for a gift, or an office plant as it supposedly brings good wealth to its owners. An ideal choice for beginners since it is very easy to look after, tolerant of low light and draught, and isn't fussy about humidity levels. Leaves can be sensitive to too much sun, so if you notice yellow or brown leaves, remove leaves by gently peeling off and position the plant in a more shaded spot. Water when top of soil is mostly dry. Feed with half strength fertiliser every 4 - 6 weeks in warmer months. Repot every 2 - 3 years or when roots start to poke through holes at the bottom of the pot. As plant matures, it will grow multiple shoots per stem. If shoots grow long and plant becomes too top heavy, remove lower shoots with a clean knife or scissors, and place shoots in water in a well-lit area, changing the water every few days for about a month or until roots start to appear. When roots are at least 5cm long, it's ready to be planted.

1 x unrooted cutting approx 10cm in length. Best propagated in water.

Soon to feature in a Feng Shui Plants Pack! 🥳

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ig: @heirloomsbyheidi