Susan Perl (1922-1983) print of children and pets holding on to each other kind of like elephants do in the circus where they hold the tail of the one in front of them as they walk or enter the ring. Here the oldest holds on to the tail of a cat that is already out of the picture. The girl holds his shirt. The little boy holds her pony tail and the leash of the dog. 

The print is in black outline on dark green construction paper. I could not find an example of it when I was researching the artist. She is most well known for her illustrations for children's books. She also did a series of illustrations for Health Tex line of kid's clothes, as well as the New York Times Magazine, Conde Nast, Vogue and Harper's Bazar. 

Her light hearted, satirical style is evident here. 

I have four other illustrations of hers, all on different colored construction paper.

16" x 20"

I will ship flat between two pieces of cardboard.