Deck List

Commander (1)

1x Sharae of Numbing Depths

Creature (37)

1x Aquatic Alchemist
1x Archive Dragon
1x Armory Mice
1x Beluna's Gatekeeper
1x Besotted Knight
1x Chancellor of Tales
1x Charmed Clothier
1x Cheeky House-Mouse
1x Cursed Courtier
1x Diminisher Witch
1x Discerning Financier
1x Dutiful Griffin
1x Frostbridge Guard
1x Gallant Pie-Wielder
1x Galvanic Giant
1x Icewrought Sentry
1x Ingenious Prodigy
1x Knight of Doves
1x Living Lectern
1x Merfolk Coralsmith
1x Mocking Sprite
1x Obyra's Attendants
1x Picklock Prankster
1x Protective Parents
1x Rimefur Reindeer
1x Savior of the Sleeping
1x Slumbering Keepguard
1x Snaremaster Sprite
1x Splashy Spellcaster
1x Stockpiling Celebrant
1x Stormkeld Prowler
1x Tenacious Tomeseeker
1x Threadbind Clique
1x Tuinvale Guide
1x Twining Twins
1x Unassuming Sage
1x Vantress Transmuter

Instant (14)

1x Archon's Glory
1x Break the Spell
1x Disdainful Stroke
1x Eerie Interference
1x Ice Out
1x Kellan's Lightblades
1x Misleading Motes
1x Moment of Valor
1x Plunge into Winter
1x Quick Study
1x Spell Stutter
1x Stroke of Midnight
1x Succumb to the Cold
1x Water Wings

Sorcery (6)

1x Expel the Interlopers
1x Freeze in Place
1x Into the Fae Court
1x Johann's Stopgap
1x Return Triumphant
1x Sleight of Hand

Enchantment (6)

1x Bitter Chill
1x Cooped Up
1x Gadwick's First Duel
1x Hopeful Vigil
1x Solitary Sanctuary
1x The Princess Takes Flight

Land (35)

1x Crystal Grotto
1x Edgewall Inn
1x Evolving Wilds
16x Island
16x Plains

Artifact (1)

1x Glass Casket