This miniature book Mark Twain On Horseback is brown board cover with gold like color design and lettering. Spine has title also.

Open book end paper sheets are orange with a design on them.

Next page is more end paper sheets but vanilla in color front and back are blank.

Next page brief title page and a illustration on the back of this page is the starting of the detailed title page. On the back of this page is copyright information.

Next page is the acknowledgements on the back of the page starting of another title page and story begins.

Next numbered page is 2 more story continues on until you reach numbered page 33 where it ends.

On the back of numbered page 33 is blank.

Next page numbered 35 is the colophon information the back of this page blank.

Next page tells you which number this book is 130 signed by author and publisher on the back of this page is blank.

Next page tells you who the designer was, who did the press work and who published the book.

My opinion of the condition of this book is excellent. Some of you may think there could be some damage but to me it's hardly important.