Revitalize your body with Golden Essence Unscented 100% Natural Magnesium Oil drawn from the pristine waters of the Dead Sea in Israel. Free of heavy metals, additives, and chemicals, Golden Essence magnesium oil is a pure and organic solution for transdermal magnesium absorption.

Key Features:

Potential Benefits:

Product Description: Experience the benefits of Golden Essence 100% pure organic Unscented Magnesium Oil in convenient 1Ltr, 2Ltr & 5Ltr containers. Drawn from the renowned Dead Sea, Golden Essence oil is made from 100% pure Magnesium Chloride flakes and purified water, ensuring rapid absorption by the skin to replenish magnesium to your cells.

How To Use:

  • Spray 6-8 times onto stomach, legs, feet, or back 10-30 minutes before bedtime.
  • Gently massage in, allowing it to dry before covering up.
  • Recommended for daily use to counteract magnesium depletion.
  • If new to magnesium oil, start with feet only for 2-3 weeks; for children, apply to feet for 4 weeks before use on the stomach.

Elevate your wellness with the natural purity of Golden Essence Unscented 100% Natural Magnesium Oil. Feel the difference today!