Explore the fascinating world of oceanography with this hardcover edition of "Hydronautics" by VICTOR T. Boatwright and H E Sheets.


The oceans provide a vast source of

untapped material and resources.

Much research has been done to learn

how to best exploit this and much

more remains to be done. This book

provides an in-depth treatment of the

major scientific and engineering dis-

ciplines related to ocean technology

The book features:

discussions of the ocean environ-

ment in terms of its physical con-

tent, its dynamic aspects (e.g.,

waves, currents, and coastal wa-

ters), and its effects on acoustic

and electro-magnetic energy


descriptions of typical marine ve-

hicles and undersea systems that

point out design requirements and

constraints for these systems and

their sub-systems, specifically

propulsors, control mechanisms,

hull, navigation, and life-support.

technical analyses of man-ma-

chine systems encountered in

ocean technology.

information on off-shore under-

water oil drilling operations.

detailed explanations of current

government practice and policies

in regard to the undersea and of

basic principles for policy deci-

sions in planning ocean projects.

This book will be invaluable to stu-

dents of oceanography and ocean engi-

neering, designers and manufacturers

of ocean-related instruments, vehicles,

and systems, and researchers and

technicians interested in ocean tech-

Immerse yourself in the wonders of the ocean with this informative book that covers a range of ocean-related topics.

Discover the secrets of the deep sea and learn about the various creatures that inhabit it. This book is perfect for those who are passionate about science and want to expand their knowledge of the earth's oceans. With its like-new condition, this hardcover edition of "Hydronautics" is the perfect addition to any book collection.