CRANE Roco art.46800

                 The railway kran 6-axis with digital

           control with the 2-axis subboom platform.

 Scale HO

 Accessory – DB.

 Control from the "Lokmaus-0,1,2,3", "MultiMaus" panel * Roco

Before operation with the crane:

- on a frame of the crane turn the fixer to the upper position and slightly turn an crane tower to an input in a linkage of gearwheels of turn of a tower.

- the basic panel for control of the crane - Roco Lokmaus (art.10750) with control box 10751. When using Lokmaus panels of later models (1,2,3, Multimaus) with control boxes 10761, 10764 or when using several control panels, trace that the connector of the Lokmaus-1,2,3 panel was surely inserted into the slot of Master, and * the MultiMaus panel connector to the slot of Slave. Control at the same time is possible from any of the connected panels.

- when using control boxes of other vendors trace that additional control systems of the rolling stock which can lock operation of the decoder of the crane were switched-off.

- at the command station set the 14 speed mode.

Attention! The device does not support the speed modes – 28 and 128.

 Control of functions of the easel:

- turn of a tower - the * button (it is F0, it "lighting).

 - rise/lowering of an arrow – the F1 button,

- rise/lowering of a hook – the "*" and "F1" button

- switching on of an electromagnet or the grab – turn of the regulator of speed in one of the sides when any of the above-stated buttons is not clicked.

Speed control and the directions of turn of a tower, hoisting speed and lowering of an arrow and hook is executed by the speed regulator on the panel.

The operation mode of the crane is displayed by different blink rate of a LED on the casing of the easel. 

For operation together with the crane use original accessories from "Roco":

 - an electromagnet 46806

 - the grab 46807

Scale - HO.

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