Gourd Tiny Bottle - 5 Seeds

Please note before buying: Tested Germination Rate: 80%

Tiny Bottle Gourd is a miniature version of the bottle gourd with 10-15cm fruits. Long season required for mature fruits so you might start the seeds indoors. Careful when transplanting as vines do not like having their roots disturbed. 

This little adorable warm-season variety produces tiny little bottle gourds suitable for jewellery or just a cute ornamental to dry out and decorate.

This plant likes to run (creep) or climb. Sow next to a trellis, after all danger of frost has passed, with a minimum soil temperature of 22°C, 2.5 cm deep, 30 cm apart. Early plants can be sown in seedling pots for later transplanting. Prepare well-drained soil with compost and well-rotted manure. Pick the green fruit when young, 10-15 cm long. 

A propagation note will be supplied with the seed packet for your convenience.
