
This Tiffany-style antique stained glass lamp acquired at an art show in Laguna Niguel, California, during the early 80s is a true testament to the city's reputation for producing high-class artistry, whether it's in jewelry, furniture, clothing, or, in this case, lighting.

This has to be one of the most unique - exquisitely crafted antique lead stained glass lamps I've come across in my 79 years... truth be told? This is our "collection maker," a piece that my wife and I never imagine we would ever part with. That said, we've grown old... and with us? Well... the taste for modern and minimalist has somewhat put a damper on our plans to one day pass this piece on to our children. While the idea of this lamp leaving my office (where it has sat for many, many years on my desk) leaves an empty longing in my heart, I take solace in that wherever this piece heads off - hopefully it will have a long, enduring life under a new family's roof (: 

With most every lamp I own, the shade is always the "star of the show," while the base?? Secondary... in this case, I do believe them to be equals. I will begin by discussing the base.. yes, the base... not the shade (though the shade is - stunning - ) because I can.. because the base is an example of metal artistry I believe we will see less and less of as the years go by. 

The Base: 

The base of this lamp is HEAVY. A solid brass/bronze - with a heavy patina that has developed over decade upon decade. Not once while in my possession did we take any sort of chemical "polisher" to the base, as we believe the that patina is truly - exquisite - if not perfectly fitting of the antique piece as a hole. 

The base of this lamp is tall (measuring in at --- inches), thick (measuring --- across the widest point), chunky, and impenetrably dense. What you are looking at is a masterfully composed, true to life anatomically accurate (not cartoonish) depiction of the Royal Swan. Take a moment and view the image of the swan base taken from the back... spend some time looking at this photo in depth, and you'll notice the exquisite, meticulous detail in EACH and EVERY feather of the swan's back. This plumage, etched and molded by hand, displays glimpses of amber gold - where the brass/bronze breaks through the aged thick patina. The contrast between the oxidized brass/bronze, and the warm, bright spots where the brass/bronze has resisted oxidization is simply otherworldly... It is as if the swan is holding within this beauty... a beauty that must be kept at bay so as not to attract undue attention. Beautiful, subtle, elegant, classy.... age here has added its own touch to what is an incredible depiction of the swan by an undoubtedly talented artist. If you zoom in on an individual feather, you'll note that you can actually see every single individual hair... you can see the central vein... you can see layers - and peaking "feather tops" trying to push aside their counterparts for some time in the light.... This is not really a lamp... but rather an antique sculptural piece that happens to function as a lamp. 

Viewed from the front, you'll see the swan's beautifully sculpted face, and you'll notice that perched ever so seamlessly in the swan's back is the thick solid brass/bronze "ring" from which the shade of this lamp hangs. The cord of this lamp, too, is hidden perfectly in the body and neck of the crooning swan.... seamless elegance, everywhere one looks. 

The Shade: 

While the base of this lamp truly defies the imagination, the shade - too - is equally as spectacular. Crafted from THICK, individually inlaid lead stain glass of nearly ever hue one can conjure up in the mind. The top of the lamp shade is solid, dense bronze/brass bearing that same patina visible at the base. The top is ornately etched - the perfect holder of the precious, regal shade below. The shade was constructed to look like that of a "Weeping Willow," organic, natural, free flowing in nature. The structure of the shade's frame - too - is worthy in and of itself of attention... the difficult shape of the shade so perfectly soldered together in thick, aged brass/bronze. This "Weeping Willow" holds - hundreds - of thick cut, hand inlaid, multicolored lead stain glass. Worth noting that in addition covering the color spectrum, many of the pieces of stain glass are a "fusion" of hues... the result? Heaven... the juxtaposition of contrasting hues, the little groupings of color here and there, and "scattering" of singular oddball colors make this shade unlike any I've ever seen. Yes... Tiffany is the "end all be all," but I would put this lamp up against an authentic Tiffany and if it went to a vote? Well... "Swan in Reverie" would - at the very least - be a true contender... 

I don't know what else to say except only that no matter what I say - I will fall horribly short in describing the true beauty of this piece of art... the photos, too, do not do this piece justice. Only when you have this lamp on in a dimly lit room and gaze upon a maze of colors will you understand as my wife and I do (: only when you run your fingers along the subtle dips and rises in the swan's plumage will you truly contemplate - how - human hands are so capable... It will be a bittersweet moment when this piece goes out - but I know, sadly, that it is time. When you grow as old as I have, you start to wonder what will become of your most cherished possessions... if you get lucky, you'll find someone who will love, cherish, and care for a special piece just as you have through all the years. That - is my hope. 

This lamp had a few little cracks here and there in the shade when we purchased it in the '80s. We decided to have the lamp professionally restored (an expensive process). This involved "sealing" any cracks in there. This was done by pouring a thin (but very strong) layer of glass over any small inlay that needed "glossing over." As such, the entire shade is SMOOT, solid, in proper form that will see it endure for many more years to come (: 

~If you have any further questions, or would like to see any additional photos, please do not hesitate to reach out in the form of an email. I will get back to you promptly. 

Weight: 8.2 lbs (37 kilos)
Lamp Height: 18.75 in (47 cent.)
Shade width: 5.50 in (14 cent.)
Shade height: 7.75 (with ring) (20 cent. with ring)
Lamp Base: 5 in x 10 in (13 cent. X 25 cent.)