Apollo 13 Manual 50th Anniversary Edition: 1970 (including Saturn V, CM-109, SM-109, LM-7) - Manuel Anglais Etat - NEUVE PORT Reduit France

Apollo 13 Manual 50th Anniversary Edition: 1970 (including Saturn V, CM-109, SM-109, LM-7)

RTHH6730 -  Haynes Anglais

A special new edition of Apollo 13 Manual, published to coincide with the 50th Anniversary of the Moon mission launched in April 1970, which very nearly turned into a catastrophe. New content includes an expanded look at what was learned from the analysis of the problems that precipitated the crisis, and how these lessons affected the future space programme, and also a look at the worldwide reaction to the crisis, as the the international community held its breath. This Haynes Manual tells the story of the complex technical challenges involved in returning the crippled spacecraft safely to Earth, explained in detail by an expert author who was there through it all in Mission Control during the six-day flight. It is also the story of three very special heroes, the crew members of Apollo 13: Jim Lovell, Jack Swigert and Fred Haise.

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