A mighty Fury of the Ancients force!
A fun variation to the very powerful contemptor build going around.
A bunch of durable, scoring, dreadnoughts lay down fire with prey sight.
While hard hitting threats advance, supported by a long range fire base in the form of Nemesis Bolter Veterans and a Deredeo.
1: Venerable Contemptor with two fists, one with Flamer and one with Meltagun, I used it with Trophies of Judgement to give him fear.
2: Mortifictor with Thunder hammer + Contemptor with Lascannon, and a fist with Grav gun, Havoc launcher.  A couple more Trophies candidates.
3: 5 Veterans with Nemesis Bolters.  Great for picking off threats to the contemptors or buffs to leadership.
4: Deredeo: with Auto cannons, Borealis missiles and twin flamer.
5: Leviathan Talon, 1: w/Seige Claw and Drill, 1:w/Seige Claw and Grav-Flux Bombard, and phosphex discharger.  Both have twin Flamers.
6: Contemptors! 1: 2xAutocannon, Havoc launcher
                           2: 2xKheres, Havoc launcher
                           3: 2xVolkite dual-culverin, Havoc launcher
                           4: 2xConversion Beam Cannon, Helical targeting array.
All in all its about 2k points.
It's all partially painted, I'd really just started laying down all the base work, so they'll need a bit of love.
Feel free to reach out with any questions.  Cheers, thanks for looking!