Sothebys May 1997 Old Master & British Paintings

Sotheby’s – London
Sale title – Old Master and British Paintings 
Date – 30th May 1997
No. of lots - 386
No. of pages – 102
Illustrated in colour   

Aachen 17 Courtois 75,36 Hobbema 192
Alken,H. 384 Coxie 213 Hogarth, W. (After) 291
Allegrain 59 Crépin 196 Hondecoeter 46,52
Altomonte 215 Cradock,M. 376 Hondius 154
Amorosi 203 Cruz 95 Huenis 11
Anglo-Flemish School 108 Curradi 35 Huysmans, J. 280
Ansdell,R. 358 Hyre 87,173
Antwerp School l36 Dalens 78
Arellano 92 Denner 118 ltalian School 264,156,177,58,238,
Arthois 60,72,208 Diest 76,141 179,216
Austrian School 170 Dolci 41 ltalo-Flemish School 57
Domenichino 258,31,147
Backhuysen 139 Dou 98 Joli 222
Baumgartner 212 Dupont,G. 319 Juncker 200
Beach, T. 322 Dusillion 227
Beale, M. 284 Dutch School 115,162,250,149,102 Kessel 8
Bedoli 171 Dyck 30,225,235,278 Kneller, Sir G. 279,288,294,370
Beeldemaker 257 Knight,C. 368
Bellange 148 Elliger 18
Bellini 37 Elmer,S. 379 Lambert, G. 341
Bemmel 189 Emilian School 226 Landseer, Sir E. 365,387
Berchem 256 English School 282 Latham,J. 318
Bertin 241 Etty, W. 366 Lauri 19
Bijlert 126 Lawrence, Sir T. 309
Bogdani,J. 364 Ferg 239 le Cave, P. 347
Boilly 248 Fidanza 24 Le Nain 267
Bolognese School 101 Flemish School251, 187, 155,217,113, Le Sueur 195
Bonington, R.P. 273 137,34,255,15,94,128,220,254 Lefebvre 90
Borch 244 Florentine School 44 Lely, Sir P. 287
Boucher 169 Fosse 131 Lépicié 99
Bough, S. 343 Frangipane 152 Leyden 100
Breenbergh 199 French School 151,62,197,219,166, Liberi 194
Bril 130 61,50 Lisse 74
Brouwer 158 Geldorp 45 Livesay, R. 313
Brueghel 7 German School 165,127,246, Locatelli 117
Burgkmair 159 202,13,245,231 Lombard School 83
Byng,R. 289,293 Ghirlandaio 82 Longhi 125
Gillig 268 Loo 123
Calvert, F. 274 Gillot 269 Lopez 1,4
Cambiaso 178 Goltzius 172 Lowry,S. 303
Canaletto 55,242 Goubau 28
Carpenter, M. 336 Grant, Sir F. 329 Magnasco 77
Carpioni 119 Greco 237 Mancini 122
Cavallucci 33 Greuze 204 Maratta 42
Ceruti 153 Grund 183, 109 Martens, H. 333
Chiari 145 Guardi 56,53,54 Masselli 22
Chinnery, G. 306 McCall, W. 374
Cignani 21 Hamilton 5 MeNee, Sir D. 331
Clint,G. 334 Hancock, C. 378 Meer 160
Codazzi 110 Hanneman, A. 281 Meerhout 243
Cole,G. 383 Haydon, B.R. 359 Migliara 207
Constable, J. 353,354,356 Hayls,J. 295 Miller, J. 290
Continental School 25,6,9 Heem 93 Momper 111,157
Corréa 38 Hickey, T. 308 Moncalvo 43
Correggio 71,66 Highmore, J. 301 Monnoyer 163
Morales 175 Reymerswael 214 Turner, EC.
Moreelse 12 Reynolds, Sir J. 321,361
Morland,G. 272 Ribera 180 Utrecht school 89,97
Muller, W.J. 339,377 Rickards, *** 348 Utrecht
Mura 68 Ridinger 259
Murillo 168 Rimpatta 10 Vadder
Robert 201 Venetian School 181,229,230,65,234
Naiveu 85 Robinson, R. 304 Veronese
Nasmyth,P. 315 Roman School 129 Vliet
Nason,P. 286 Rottenhammer 143 Vogelaer
Nattier, J.M. 285 Rubens 84,70,67 Vries
Neapolitan School 3,88, 132, 182, Ruisdael 198,107
263,261 Ward,J. 355
Netherlandish School 228 Salter, W. 316 Waring,J.
Netscher 81,120,80 Sartorius, E 299 Warren, W.W.
Neve,Cde 277 Sartorius, J.N. 362,382 Watson,G.
North Italian School 63,265,266,188, Sassoferrato 32 Webb,E.W. 385
64,193,29 Schinkel 26 Weier 79
Northcote, J. 312 Schoevaerdts 114 Werff 233
School of Frankfurt 39 West,B. 372
O'Connor, J.A. 357 Seeman,E. 302 West,W.
Oldmeadow, EA. 381 Silo 144 Wet
Ostade 164,247 Simonini 133 Wheatley, E
Oudry 49 Sleap,J.A. 346 Whitby,W.
Smith, C. 298,314 Wijnants 150
Padovanino 14 Smith,H. 297 Wilson,R.
Paillou, P. 375 Smythe, E.R. 340 Wit
Parry, J. 323 Smythe, T. 317 Witte 253
Partridge, J. 327 Soens 47 Wouwerman 106,73
Pasmore,D. 325 Solimena 174
Paul,J. 338 Sorgh 218,224
Peeters 142, 140 South Italian School 211
Pellegrini 135 Spanish Colonial School 27
Pesne 252 Spanish Forger 240
Pether, S. 345,351 Spode, S. 380
Petrini 69 Staphorst, A. 283
Phillips, T. 326,330 Stark, J. 350
Pickersgill, H.W. 328,335 Steenwyck 232
Pignoni 146 Straeten 23
Pine,R.E. 292 Strij 206, 184
Platzer l38 Strozzi 104
Potter 186 Stuart, G. 310
Poussin 20 Swaine, E 275
Pozzoserrato 112 Swanevelt 190
Pseudo- Roestraeten 2 Swiss School 91
Pyne, J.B. 363
Tamm 262
Raeburn, Sir H. 300,305,332 Taunay 48
Raphael 40,221 Teniers 191,16,260,103,105,210
Rathbone,J. 344,352 Tiepolo 121
Raven, S. 360,386 Tischbein 124
Ravesteyn 86 Toorenvliet 161
Reinagle, P. 320 Trautmann 249
Reni 167,176 Tucker, J.w. 349

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