Kayam Tablet is a very famous Ayurvedic medicine for constipation. It is not a traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It is a proprietary Ayurvedic medicine. It means that the formula of Kayam churna is not mentioned in any Traditional Ayurvedic text books. The manufacturer of Kayam churna Tablet– Sheth Brothers, formulated a combination of few Ayurvedic herbs that benefit in constipation, blended them into powder form and labelled it as Kayam churna. Kayam churna Tablet Ingredients - Kayam churna is a powerful and intelligent blend of good Ayurvedic herbs.

 Dosage : 1 – 2 tablet at bed time, with warm water as per requirement.

  • Is claimed to be beneficial in chronic constipation, acidity, gas, headache and mouth ulcer
  • Chronic constipation, headache, hyperacidity
  • No side effects